
Personal Prophecy Request

Prophetic Ministry

Ministry is on a first-come, first-served basis. By filling out the form below, you will be ministered to in the order the forms are received at our office. Walk-ins are welcome, but you will have to wait until those who sent in a form are processed. We will do our best to minister to everyone who comes in during the specified hours, however, depending on the number of clients, you may have to return next month to receive ministry. You may not receive prophetic encouragement more than once every three months.

Please note that personal prophecy is only offered via ZOOM for those who submitted a request .

You are encouraged to bring a cell phone in order to be able to record your prophetic words.

Prophetic ministers speak words of encouragement, edification, comfort, and strength in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14. Trained team members of the Healing Rooms Apostolic Center serve all those who sign up for prophetic ministry. We sincerely desire to hear from the Lord on behalf of those of you coming for ministry, so that you may be encouraged and built up in your faith.

Ministry is FREE (Love Offerings Gratefully Received)

Date and Time:
Last Saturday of the Month
10:00 AM - Noon
Location: Healing Rooms Apostolic Center
526 Old Liverpool Road
Building #2 Suite #7
Liverpool, NY


Please review the following before filling out the personal prophecy request below:

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Rev 19:10)

Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. It takes the form of spoken words that are supernaturally inspired by Jesus. Jesus is the source of all prophecy.

What Should you expect?

All prophecy should build you up, encourage you to go forward with the Lord, or bring comfort in a situation you are struggling with.

The prophetic gift of 1 Corinthians 14:3 does not include the releasing of directive words or words of correction which is the venue of someone called to the Office of Prophet.

A genuine prophetic utterance never contradicts the written Word of God.

The prophetic should always nurture your personal relationship with God.

God loves you, has a plan to prosper you and to give you a hope and a purpose, and He wants you to here His voice. (John 10:27)

However, specific time frames are not given in prophecy. Those well trained in the prophetic know that it is a cardinal rule not to set times on the fulfillment of prophecy. Why? Much of what God says through prophecy is conditional and may be predicated on our response and actions.

Be careful not to jump to a conclusion as to what the timing of the prophecy will be.

True prophecy comes by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ -- who is the Spirit of Prophecy. Jesus loves you and has a plan to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future. He wants you to succeed in both the call He has placed on your life and in every aspect of daily living. Prophecy can play a part in helping that plan to unfold by providing edification, exhortation and encouragement as you as you go forward in your God-appointed destiny in Christ.

The Healing Rooms are only able to stay open because of your free-will offerings to cover rent and ministry expenses. Your tax-deductible contributions are appreciated.

For a brochure with more information, please Click Here

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Personal Prophecy Request:

Please mail your personal feedback to [an error occurred while processing this directive] via email at: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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``Web site designed and maintained To His Glory Ministries" P.O. Box 15031, Syracuse, New York 13215

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