Behold, I Set Thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)
"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He first reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)
" I see 23 attacks "
The following letters have been sent to Chuck's Intercessors...
May 31, 2002
Dear Friends and Warriors:
These are key times we are living in. Again, I believe its more important that we are on the offensive rather than the defensive in our praying. I have received many wonderful comments about the 40 day prayer focus. Let’s all pray for each other that we come through our own personal wilderness and into a place of power. Another reason I sent out this 40 day issue is because I see this time frame as so important in America. The role of the Body of Christ is to set a spiritual climate that will expose and dethrone evil. We do this by worshiping, by praying, by praising and by resisting the enemy’s plan. During these 40 days I believe that God will reveal much to each one of us.
I know He is doing that with me. Many of you know that sometimes I go through physical issues where I have to resist the enemy’s plan. I’m learning a lot about the spirit of infirmity. I believe this is very important information and will be used by the Body of Christ as we enter into miracles and healings. The issues we go through in our own body can be a way that God reveals how we are to prophetically intercede.
I am seeing the following scenario develop across our nation. My pastor, Robert Heidler, came to me this week and confirmed a similar scenario. As I have prayed throughout the week, I am beginning to hear various reports on the news that are aligning with what I believe the Lord is saying. The following is something that you can use to pray for your region and our nation.
Many today are fearing another attack by Islamic terrorists, but most are expecting another 9/11 attack to bring destruction on one or two key areas, filling the rest of the nation with fear. The anti-Christ system has a greater plan. This system longs to tear down anything that can propagate the covenant of God. Western civilization has a stronger, more influencing covenant than most areas of the world. Therefore, the enemy’s plan is to bring down western civilization as we know it. I do believe God is trying to change western civilization with a sweeping move of His Spirit, and we are on the verge of this at this time. Consequently, the enemy is rising to stop the move of God. The light is getting lighter, and the dark is getting darker.
I see 23 attacks simultaneously planned within a time period that would cause massive fear to grip our land. I see many of these attacks in the key "hub" cities of our nation. There are many fanatical, religious terrorists hidden in and among the Islamic communities in our nation. Pray that even those in Muslim communities would begin to detect destruction in our midst and report this to the proper authorities. Pray that the Spirit of God would fall on Islamic communities through dreams and visions, and Jesus’ love and grace would be revealed in the midst of these people.
Our nation going into a premature destructive war would cause Great Britain and the other nations of Europe to be greatly affected. This would create an aligning of nations against God’s covenant plan. Even though this will eventually happen (the book of Daniel reveals much of this), I sense this would be out of God’s perfect time frame. This is not the time for the ultimate anti-Christ system to rule in the earth. This is a time the Holy Spirit is brooding to empower the Church. As long as the Holy Spirit is moving in the earth, evil can be exposed. The Holy Spirit is the only true restrainer of evil. Therefore, pray and ask the Lord to break down the resisting powers that are set against and have quenched the Holy Spirit in your city and state. Pray that the Holy Spirit has liberty to reign in your borders. We have spent much time reconciling our differences between races and ethnic groups. It is time to reconcile our differences over the Holy Spirit and give Him free reign to move if this land is going to survive.
I believe we can pray. Daniel 7 says the enemy attempts to change times and seasons. However, as God’s people we have the ability to agree with Him on earth so we remain in His perfect timing and experience the visitation that He would have during this season. I suggest the following for prayer:
1. Pray Psalm 23
2. Pray Psalm 91
3. Pray Isaiah 41
4. Pray Isaiah 42
5. Pray Isaiah 43
6. Pray Isaiah 44
7. Pray Isaiah 45
8. Pray Isaiah 46
9. Pray Isaiah 47
10. Pray Isaiah 48
11. Pray Isaiah 59
12. Pray Isaiah 60
13. Pray Isaiah 61
14. Pray Isaiah 62
15. Pray Luke 19
16. Pray 2 Chronicles 20
17. Pray 2 Kings 18
18. Pray 2 Kings 19
19. Pray Malachi 3
20. Pray Luke 4
21. Pray Psalm 29
22. Pray Daniel 7
23. Pray 2 Thessalonians 2
This will help you during the first 23 days of this 40 day period. There are creative ways to pray. You can also find a time during these next 40 days to go to the borders of your city and pray specifically what God would have you pray.
Chuck D. Pierce
p.s. Here are a few materials that could help you:
1. Pastor Ted Haggard has a new book called Taking it to the Streets. This is an excellent guide for those who might not be familiar with prayerwalking your neighborhood and city.
2. If you have not read The Future War of the Church, I would encourage you to do so since it explains the anti-Christ system.
3. Bob Sorge has a book called Glory: When Heaven Invades Earth. This helps you understand the Glory of God entering into the gates of your city.
4. Another great book is Praying for America by Dutch Sheets. This will stir your heart with passion to pray for America.
You can order all four of these books for the special price of $30 by calling Glory of Zion at (888) 965-1099, and we will pay the postage (U.S. orders only). You can also contact the Arsenal Bookstore ( or 888 563-5150) to purchase these books individually.
DELIVERANCE, DELIVERER Rescue from danger.
In Scripture God gives deliverance (Pss. 18:50; 32:7; 44:4), often through a human agent. In the Old Testament deliverance most often refers to victory in battle (Judg. 15:18; 2 Kings 5:1; 13:17; 1 Chron. 11:14; 2 Chron. 12:7). Joseph was God’s agent to deliver His people from famine (Gen. 45:7). The Old Testament consistently stresses God as the giver of deliverance rather than the human agent. Thus Mordecai warned Esther that is she failed to act out her role as deliverer God would provide another way (Esther 4:14). KJV also uses "deliverance" to describe the remnant that survives a battle or exile (Ezra 9:13). In KJV both New Testament uses of deliverance refers to release of prisoners (Luke 4:18; Heb. 11:35). Modern translations use "deliverance" to refer to rescue from danger in Acts 7:25; Philippians 1:19.
A deliverer is one who rescues from danger. Two of the judges, Othniel and Ehud (Judg. 3:9, 15), are called deliverers in the sense of military heroes. More often God is spoken of as the Deliverer of His people (2 Sam. 22:2; Ps. 18:2; 40:17; 144:2). The picture of God as deliverer is paralleled with the images of a rock, fortress, helper, and strong tower. Acts 7:35 refers to Moses as a deliverer. Romans 11:26-27 refers to the Messianic King as the Deliverer who will take away Israel’s sins.
The verb "deliver" is used in a wide range of contexts. According to Job 5:19-26 God delivers in 7 ways; from famine, war, the scourge of the tongue, the wild animals, to safety, abundant offspring, and long life. Scripture also speaks to deliverance from sin (Ps. 39:8; 79:9); the way of evil (Prov. 2:12); the power of evil (Matt. 6:13; Gal. 1:4; Col. 1:13); the body of death (Rom. 7:24); the law (Rom. 7:6); and the coming wrath of God (1 Thess. 1:10). God is the agent of deliverance in Colossians 1:13 and Romans 7:24-25. Christ is the agent in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and Galatians 1:4, where Christ brings deliverance by giving Himself for sins.
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Many More Prophetic Words
"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).
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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to
escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to
stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).