Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set thee a watchman on the wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

Prophetic Rhymes

By: Jo Ann G

"The Snorting of Nebuchadnezzar's Horses"

Aug. 12, 1997

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Foreword by To His Glory Ministries:

I believe that this word is on sound Biblical ground. The move toward One World Government, the cashess society (a.k.a. the Mark of the Beast), and the persecution of Christians are clearly foretold in the Bible, and are now accelerating at a frantic pace as we approach 1998. 1998 (666 * 3) is of special significance to the One-World occultists.

We should be Berean and check what is contained herein against the Word of God, but we should also take what is written to the Lord in prayer. If this Word is accurate, and from what I see it very well could be, we need to be expanding all evangelistic efforts as the time left until Jesus' return draws to a close. We should also seek the Lord as to what He meant when in this word He said: "Prepare now for the future's lack."

Remember, "Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

It is true that even the most accurate modern-day prophet could ever approach the accuracy of that of the Old Testament prophets since today we "see through a glass darkly" (1 Cor 13:12), but I believe that this word is worthy of your prayerful consideration. Of note is the fact that Jo Ann did hear correctly about the crash of 1997.

Perhaps it is time to earnestly seek the Lord's face and His will for the remainder of the time He has graciously bequethed to each of us. Remember, " Today is the day of salvation for many who are perishing. Their tomorrow shall not see my return in glory to judge the living and the dead."

"The Snorting of Nebuchadnezzar's Horses"

Come unto Me
for I would wish to have a word with thee.
Come unto My holy hill -
Come up higher, for there is a place that you
haven't reached, and I long for your presence
for I will speak to thee of things to come
as I did the prophet Amos of old -
I will show you -- now behold:

For there is coming a New World Order
that man has not experienced before upon the earth -
Not since Mary gave My Son, Jesus, birth
For there is little time for My chosen called-out ones
to be partakers of the true Vine;
There is a special place in Me
that few have gained access to
Since they have much mixture of flesh
intermingled with their spirituality.

Would you not desire this earthly tribulation fire?
For surely it comes as I have promised -
Wrath and judgements will not be withheld
As the timeline begins to expire
And looked-for judgements will be expelled.

The new totalitarian government
Will bring virtual enslavement -
You will become a guest
Where you once lived in freedom
gained by your forefathers' early conquests.

Prepare now for the future's lack
As the enemy moves forward to attack -
Material and earthly possessions that are held dear
Will be attacked and shaken this next year.

I look now upon the affliction of the Laodicean church
Where My beloved have grown fat
And become complacent, despite My great love -
They have become sleepy and lukewarm
as they have received bountiful blessings from above.

Seemingly, circumstances have become very hot
As you cook to remove impurities in God's pot -
As the flames burn and fires ignite,
You will come forth as pure gold
and be made warriors for the final fight.

Think it not strange
that you have received this word -
For My heart wants to encourge
those who have heard.
I have made available to you
the same spiritual armor
worn by the biblical Jew.

Can you not see that their numbers are swelling
While the tide is roaring against the freeman's dwelling?
Can you not feel the noose tightening around the neck,
as the world players play havoc with false idols
and gods that men erect?
Can you not see that I am standing, knocking at the door,
While My Spirit seeks to save more and more?

The snorting of Nebuchadnezzar's horses
Can be heard throughout the nations -
Many do not realize
This is the beginning sign of forthcoming international

The snorting of Nebuchadnezzar's horses is heard from Dan (on the northern border of Palestine). At the sound of the neighing of his strong war horses the whole land quakes; for they come and devour the land and all that is in it, the city and those who dwell in it. Jeremiah 8:16 (The Amplified Bible)

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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).

``Prophecy and Current Events" is published bimonthly by: ``To His Glory Ministries"

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