Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set thee a watchman on the wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

The Handwriting on the Wall

Prophecy given to JoAnn G
Posted: 7/21/99

Jesus is Coming Soon!


"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He first reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)


------------ Forward by To His Glory Ministries: --------

As I read this message, I could very much bear witness with the heart of God to the height from which we have fallen.

If there was ever a time for repentance and fervent prayer this is it. I sense that the time of judgement is at hand and that we are now living on borrowed time -- the time is indeed very short, so occupy until He comes and be about your Father's business. God is not mocked and we will reap what we sow for the sake of repentance, but always remember He knows how to preserve His own in the midst of judgement and will never leave us nor forsake us. Trust Jesus!

Luke 21:36 would be a good fervent effectual prayer from this point out, but if you will not allow Him to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, you may not stand in the days ahead. Seek Him while He may yet be found. Remember, because you did not seek Him in good times, He may not hear your prayer in the bad times.

Carefully consider these words and take them to the Lord Jesus.

--------------- End Forward --------------

Many months ago, I was instructed to study the book of Daniel. These words came to me "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin." The Holy Spirit told me that I would receive a word on this. It is several months later, and here is the message.

Daniel 5:25-31 (KJV)

Daniel was a long-lived prophet of old -
An uncompromised stance he took for a Holy God
in an evil land where as a slave he was sold.
He interpreted the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar
and the handwriting for his evil son, Belshazzar.
This narration tells us that whatever God tells us to do
He is right there with us - and giving the right answers too.

America has taken a great fall -
This prophetic rhyme does not say it all
We can look back at the prophets of old
Who were so very bold;
We can find answers to today's circumstances
if we will only glance at the Testament of Old.

There is an ominous darkness ascending across the globe
A seasonal change has transformed all aspects of the spatial atmosphere;
Transfigurations in daily living have turned
Upside down and no longer bear resemblance
to that which was in place three years ago.

The Columbine High School is an example
of modern day manmade rules in the public schools -
The employees and students have become pawns
as Satan's new tools.

Watch! as a picture of the nation's health is exposed

as the media fans and exaggerates it by pouring on fodder and fuel.

You might ask, "Why hasn't the administration acquired more facts?"
Why have they seemingly operated in leaderless lack?
The Lord would say, "I have used this example as a tack
to help many of the watchful get on a Godly track."

The young bandits have been moving and operating
with the number of four
The skills they have acquired would annihilate bodies by the score -
The secret hiding places will be uncovered
and its mystery will be no more. Selah.

As this tragedy unfolds,
Youth and parents will be forced to behold
the results of abandoning the Ten Commandments.
The words etched in stone in the Old Testament
are today's guidelines and are still relevant
as they were in ancient days
when they were first God sent.

A Culmination of modern day filth
has now begun to bear fruit.
A nation who sits under its own fig tree
will have to eat of what has been sown and grown -
The fruit is wormy and is not a pretty sight to see.

The products of this bad seed
have now been placed on a spiritual table
for the nation to eat and digest as they feed.
This rotten seed was planted with pride, lust, greed and hate -
Not to say it was seasoned with diabolical malfeasance
Demons salivate as it is put on our plate.

The media and technology began to water the plants
that Satan has carefully sown;
and now the stench has rose
and the odorous whiff of this filth
has been carried to everyone's nose.

There is a new way for the media circus to play
as they unknowingly propel to bring prophesy for these last days;
They contrive to perpetuate disorder and mayhem
for all who stare at the tube and Internet
in a numbed and dumbed state.
(Matthew 24-25 is a word in which God's people now need to

The Balkan War is for all of those participating from the United Nations;
Only a fool could design such a military plan
that feeds directly into end-time tribulation.
Truly, this action was not prayed about by our leaders of state
One could only hope that divine intervention would stop deployment
of ground troops before it is too late.

America and other friendly countries have gambled heavily
on military technology.
This current event is only an update of the old tower of Babel
when all was given to astrology.

Trumpets are sounding for My people to hear
about oncoming judgments that have been whistled for
by the heavenly host to rain on us this year.
Prepare for even greater changes to come upon the earth
Do not fear!

Consider the churches, buildings, and organizations
who even now carry My name -

People congregate to find peace, relieve fears and shame;

In most of these places, My Spirit does not inhabit there anymore.
In fact, it would be difficult for Me to walk through the doors -
Their candlestick was removed long ago,
and those who would miss it
found another place to go.

There is now a famine of the Word in the land
Even though many hear and see, they do not understand.
Many pastors and hirelings of the church
Stand and stare as in a state of shock ~
They still refuse to tell of oncoming judgments to the flock.
The true gospel and Spiritual gifts are ignored in the service
as the congregations sit and grow more nervous.

Consider, too, a great falling away of those
who have known My Word for many days -
They, at one time, walked and talked with Me
Deception, delusion, and spiritual blindness are as heavy as can be;
They now revel in idolatry -
They have conformed to this world
and abandoned precious time with Me.
All of this has created a vacuum
and they cannot see or hear their own iniquity.

Oh church, wake up!
My prophets and watchmen across the land
are blaring My words, thoughts, and desires on every hand.
Oh, sleeping people, awaken!
The very ground beneath you is now being shaken.

International strategists know about
the watchman's trumpet blasts.
They are fully aware of words of prophesy
that have been sent through the air.
Receivers have been posted there and about
to monitor messages that are being received from the Holy Spirit.
They attempt to pick up the words that thunder
from heaven to earth.

They don't consider the prophetic messages a threat yet
for they know the masses are asleep.
It is still too soon to stop the messages
for they are not a danger as they view us from the Internet

In fact, they have actually picked up the words of prophesy
on the Internet -
some have infiltrated mailing lists
and have sat in on messages that trumpet God's Word
to His body, His holy remnant.

They (our enemies of the true gospel) are counting on complacent people
involved with unimportant things.
In other words, they are still free
to brew their tea of iniquity.


Jo Ann G



Prophetic Links:

Rejoice - For the Appointed Time is at Hand"

They give Me Lip Service

Return to Me My Children

Tell Them to Know Me and My Ways

Many More Prophetic Words by Jo Ann and Others

"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).


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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).

``Prophecy and Current Events" is published bimonthly by: ``To His Glory Ministries"

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