Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I Set Thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)


Inspired Prophetic Prose Given to JoAnn G

Jesus is Coming Soon!

"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He first reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

11-12-2001, 12:30 A.M.

Vision - Prologue

Sunday, November 11, 2001, I watched the memorial service for the victims at the World Trade Center -- a very somber service. The President's eyes were dark and his expression somber and unreadable.

Later, during the day I received several visions of a President George W. Bush. Basically they were the same visions over and over. I was seeing this in the spiritual realm. He had a steely gray expression showing through his eyes -- they were very determined and had a gaze of flint (Very similar to steel).

An American flag was transparently moving across his face. In the near distance, another flag moved behind him. This flag was colored black with a skull and cross bones. This flag seemed to mar and not fit the rest of the vision that I was seeing.

Interpretation of Vision:

President George W. Bush has seriously taken hold of his position as president of the free world. He has set his face like flint against the enemies of America. The gray steely look in his eyes indicated that he was committed and determined to go after the terrorism that plagues innocent people in the United States.

He is being obedient to God Almighty this hour. The other flag was representative of the evil that lurks around him. It sends a strong message that we must pray without ceasing. Travail for this nation and others -- REPENT!

Prophetic Rhyme: AN AWESOME GOD
11-12-2001, 12:30 A.M.

Ah, Listen, to the call of the roll
Spiritually, Attune your ears as the bells toll
For at last My truths, My prophesies to you have become real
How the voices of My trumpets have been mocked!
Now, the land shouts of the enemy that has come forth with Zeal

Israel is a guarded land
And I still hold them carefully in My hand
Poachers all, are whining and petitioning a desire to move in
To listen to the greatest part of the world,
The very right to exist as a Holy nation, is to offend

The American president portrays a strong and vibrant man
The world sits back and is amazed
That such a man is the leader in these last days
A figure raised up to inhale My breath and think My thoughts
He is appointed and anointed for this office by Me
George W, Bush puts his finger on foreign policy - He cannot be bought

He is grieved and moved to compassion
As He looks at the fall and decline of a nation
Many times this man feels like he is alone, as he looks about him
Feeling helpless indignation
As the war, the economy, dealing with devious rulers of foreign
Nations, and a world crying out in bewilderment and castigation

Christians in this nation pray for this man and all of
Our heads of state
The Lord God has raised him up to show us his
Mercy and love at this late date
We need to hold up his hands as the leader of the free world
For a while, the country swung around and seemed tipsy as we swirled

A finger has been put in the dike, Some bad legislation
Has been told to take a hike
Great mistakes were seriously made
The Great Holy One of Israel looked upon his people
And the rest of the lost and dying races
Alas, the hand of the destroyer was stayed

Dealing with the Taliban, who still have special plans
It is not an easy thing, because other nationalities are
Coming from the lands which end in "stan" - still carrying Satan's
Assignments in their hands
Through prayer and intercession God moves in with new plans

When it comes to praying, don't stop!
Fall on the Rock!
Bow down, humble yourself and resist the devil
As his flights carry him into the night
He watches from the outer darkness as he is held back
Only by God's light

Only a very sick, evil diabolical mind could destroy
The World Trade Center
Now pray for the united forces, law enforcement as well
As the heroic fire fighters
The USA now becomes difficult to enter
Borders are tightened, rules and regulations are now enforced
As a nation, we sadly see, how we allowed some elected
Officials who took us off course

Remember there are two types of Jews. They
Don't always walk together and some are one and the same
Our futures rest together for God created us as his children
Who as a people in this world carry and are bound by
His Holy name
Jesus Christ, his only son, paid the price as a human sacrifice
So that all of us who believe in him shall not punish
But have everlasting life

What else can we say?
He left the comforter, the Holy Spirit
To guide us and lead us as we go through the day
God is always in control
So as America's young hero said, "let's roll."

Scriptures: Isaiah 59:19, Matthew 8:11, Luke 13:29

Jo Ann Glasco


Prophetic Links:

Rejoice - For the Appointed Time is at Hand"

They give Me Lip Service

Return to Me My Children

Tell Them to Know Me and My Ways

Many More Prophetic Words by Jo Ann and Others

"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).


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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).

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