Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set thee a watchman on the wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

Peace in the Middle East--A Prelude to War? -- Part 1

Vincent Aquilino

Peace! Peace! But There is no Peace!

This is part one of a multi-part series dealing with the nation of Israel. Several topics will be covered including the Middle East peace process, the re-building of the Jewish Temple, the future destruction of Damascus, the invasion of Israel by Russian-armed and -led Muslim forces, the entrance of the Anti-Christ onto the stage of world history and the identification of the generation that will not see death before the return of Jesus Christ.

The Middle East Peace process has been splashed all over the newspapers for months. It is certainly of great interest to the secular word but, prophetically, it is of enormous significance. If this is the peace treaty of Daniel, chapter 9, it will eventually herald not only the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but also the entrance of the Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ. But as the peace process unfolds, there seems to be another prophetic event looming on the horizon that has been hidden just beneath the surface. Let's take a look.

The first major event occurred on September 13, 1993 when the ``Declaration of Principles'' was signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The eyes of the world were on Washington D.C. as Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat affixed their signatures to this document declaring peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Then President Clinton, with his arm on Yitzhak Rabin's back, pushed him toward Yassir Arafat. A surprised and reluctant Rabin shook hands with Arafat.

It is no wonder that Rabin was reluctant. This was Yassir Arafat, a terrorist known for his ``Kill Israel'' policy, a bitter enemy whose stated goal was to ``push Israel into the sea.'' This was the same Yassir Arafat and PLO, according to Israeli General Ariel Sharon, ``whose hands are stained with the blood of innocent Jews, Arabs, women and children -- school children in Avivim, Ma'alot and Antwerp, synagogue worshipers in Istanbul, and Jewish athletes in Munich. Arafat was the man who ordered the bellies of pregnant Arab women slit open while their husbands looked on; he was the man who ordered the hands of Arab children cut off while their parents watched in horror. Arafat was the man who ordered innocent Arab brothers in Nablus to be hung by their chins on butcher hooks until they were dead, and personally slit open the stomachs of pregnant Israeli women and murdered children.''(1)

It was unthinkable that this agreement of peace between the PLO and Israel was taking place. Especially considering that Yassir Arafat's leadership and the PLO movement were all but dead. They had no country, their cause was failing, they were out of money and were being rejected by the other Arab nations. And yet Israel's Rabin government was now breathing new life into this terrorist war criminal and enemy of Israel by making him the agent of the Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty. Why would Israel do such a thing?(2)

Furthermore, Israel's relinquishment of control of Gaza and Jericho has effectively given the PLO a strategic advantage, a beach head, in continuing their assaults against Israel. Not a well thought-out move militarily. And as for the argument that Rabin intended for the PLO to act as a shield against the Hamas (an anti-Israel terrorist group), General Sharon continues, ``By recognizing this murderer's organization, the government has committed an act of madness ... By reviving Israel's greatest enemy on the eve of disintegration and turning it into Israel's shield against the Hamas, the government has added crime to folly.''(1)

It appears that Sharon may have been correct. Unconfirmed reports indicate that Arafat has made an agreement with the Hamas that will give him the time he needs to extract serious concessions from Israel, but only on the condition that the Hamas can publicly attack his policies and continue to kill the Jews. Meanwhile, the Hamas is urging escalation of resistance against the government. ``Our battle against Zionist occupation is continuing. We will not stop. Let everyone know there is no alternative to a Jihad.''(5)

In addition, just a couple of weeks ago, Arafat was caught trying to smuggle four terrorists into Gaza. Of course, with the political situation the way it is, Israel took no action against him. But the message is clear: The PLO has not backed off its goal to destroy Israel and make Jerusalem its capital. Arafat was caught on video tape, after the Peace Accord, in an address to his Arab brothers, calling for a continued Jihad (Holy War) against Israel. Jesus said it best: ``Can a leopard change its spots?''

Rabin's government is in turmoil. There are currently massive demonstrations taking place, some with over 150,000 protesters. Signs have been seen accusing Rabin of treason. Israel continues to be racked by bombings, gunfire and threats of violence. The Rabin government is under fire not only by radical groups such as the Hamas, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and ``Fatah'' (which has threatened to increase its death toll), but from conservative Israeli groups as well. Virtually all of Israel has armed itself. This is Peace? The situation begs the question: Why? Why did Israel do it? What could they possibly have gotten in return?

That was the question posed by Simcha Pearlmutter, a rabbi living just south of the Dead Sea. His answer to the question is of enormous prophetic significance. Rabbi Pearlmutter believes that a deal has been struck which will allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple on the Temple Mount, north of the Mosques of Omar and Aksa.(3)

This is an unconfirmed report, to be sure. However, on Monday, July 25th, 1994 we saw another step toward peace, with Rabin and King Hussein meeting in Washington, D.C. to sign an ``Agreement on Non-Belligerency''. This effectively ended a technical state of war between Jordan and Israel that has lasted 46 years. Of particular interest is the section of the agreement which ``recognizes Jordan's special role in administering Muslim Holy Sites.''

This is a direct affront to Yasir Arafat, who claims that such administration is the role of the Palestinians. Some feel that this move on Rabin's part was to pit Hussein against Arafat in an attempt to delay action on the status of Jerusalem (which the PLO claims should be the capital of a new Palestinian State). Unconfirmed reports have again begun to surface that, in exchange for recognizing Jordan's role on the Temple Mount and other concessions, Israel will be allowed to rebuild their Temple. But there is still more evidence.

In the midst of the unrest over the PLO Accord, Israel has entered into yet another controversial agreement. On December 30, 1993 Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin and Vatican Undersecretary of Foreign Relations Monsignor Claudio Celli signed an agreement of mutual recognition establishing full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican. This was another unthinkable act. The Vatican backed Hitler during World War II. It was certain to be an emotionally-charged issue.

So why deal with it in the midst of the PLO peace process already wrought with problems? Shlomo Goren, once Chief Rabbi of Israel's Ashkenazi Jews denounced Vatican/Israeli negotiations as ``blasphemy beyond expression.'' This action has brought highly-charged protests against the Rabin government, already reeling from the public outcry over the PLO Land for Peace deal. And yet they went ahead and forged diplomatic relations with the Vatican. Why?(4)

Recognize that the Crimean war, which killed over one-half million people, started over control of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity. The ensuing Agreement assured the Vatican of its continued control over the ``Holy Places'' and its right to ``own property'' in the Holy Land. This agreement also added another chair to the bargaining table over control of the Temple Mount. It is not beyond imagination that, in the months ahead, we may see all three major monotheistic religions represented on the Temple Mount. Are we one step closer to the one-world religion that precedes Christ's return? A subject for future discussion.

Progress on the Temple Mount

There has also been progress on the Temple Mount. It was always feared that rebuilding the Jewish Temple would cause a Holy War, since it would mean destroying the Dome of the Rock (a Muslim High Holy site). But in recent years, at least fourteen credible theories as to the location of the original Temple have surfaced which indicate that the Temple may be rebuilt either North or South of the existing structures. With all the political maneuvering going on, construction could begin any time. And once started, ambitious estimates indicate that the Temple could be up in six months.(5)

Of prophetic significance is the fact that several of the theories locate the Jewish Temple at a site that would allow it to be rebuilt, albeit without the Outer Court (which would overlap the Dome of the Rock). Remember that John, in his vision (Rev 11:1-2), was told to measure the Temple, but not the Outer Court, which was to be given back to the heathens. The Dome of the Rock has an inscription around the outside of the dome, stating that ``God was not begotten and neither does He beget.'' This is certainly a disavowal of Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

In this scenario, the outer court will have been given back to the heathens.

Is the Temple going to be rebuilt? According to the Bible, it will (Matthew 24:15, Revelation 11:1-2 and 2 Thes 2:4). And considering all the preparations that have been going on in Israel, it is quite possible that these ``unconfirmed reports'' are true. Preparation of the implements necessary for Temple worship are nearly completed. The Jews have fashioned the solid-gold Menorah, the bronze implements required for handling the sacrifices, and have computerized looms on which to weave the seamless linen worn by the priests. Over 200 priests from the tribe of Levi have now been trained to serve in the Temple.

Those stumbling blocks -- which a few years ago seemed insurmountable -- are falling by the wayside, as God executes His time-table for the redemption of the world. For example, the royal blue dye required for the garments of Temple worship came from a certain marine snail that was thought to be extinct. A few years ago, this snail suddenly re-appeared in the Red Sea. Also, the ashes of an unblemished red heifer are required to cleanse the priests. The existence of these animals was questionable, but after searching the world, embryos were finally found in Europe and transplanted into cows on an Israeli cattle ranch. The herd now numbers 500.

And what about the Ark of the Covenant? High Israeli officials have said that they know where it is and that it will be produced at the appropriate time.

Things are indeed heating up. Not only do we have the peace treaty of Daniel 9:27 in view, but we also have the physical Temple preparations nearly completed. Everything is coming into alignment. Although it is evident that the various players in the peace process all have hidden agendas, nonetheless we are moving toward peace (be it a short-lived one) in the Middle East.

And, finally, the Jewish people are no longer looking for the Messiah of the Bible. The average Jew, when asked how they will recognize the Messiah, will say that it will be the person who brings peace and will allow the Temple to be rebuilt. This person will be the false christ, the Anti-Christ that will be accepted by the Jews as the Messiah. There will be a temporary peace in the Middle East. But the Bible says that when the Jews cry ``peace and safety'', ``then sudden destruction will come upon them.'' (1 Thes 5:3)

Syria is a wild card in the peace process. Syria backed out of the original Madrid peace process that led to the PLO accord, but President Clinton is currently wooing Assad of Syria in order to bring him to the peace table. Rabin and Assad are dialoguing, and Rabin has expressed his willingness to negotiate on the issue of the Golan Heights. He has also indicated a willingness to dismantle the dozen or so Israeli settlements located there if necessary. Considering that Clinton wooed Jordan by giving them a 950 million dollar credit, canceling their debt to the United States(5), there are clearly powerful forces in play to accomplish this peace in the Middle East.

Syria will come to the peace table, but there is an interesting scripture in Isaiah 17:1 which points out that, sometime in the future, Damascus will be totally destroyed. (We know it has to be future since it has not happened to date). And it is well known that if Israel is backed into a corner, they will order preemptive strikes utilizing whatever technology they deem appropriate, including nuclear arms. If Syria and Israel do have a military confrontation, will Syria's military alliance with Russia be the ``hook in the jaw'' mentioned in Ezekiel 38 that draws Russia into its end-times invasion of Israel? This will be discussed in subsequent issues of this series. Keep your eyes on God, but watch Israel.

Once the Temple is completed and sacrifices begin, we know from the book of Daniel that the Anti-Christ will soon be revealed. He will confirm an existing peace treaty with ``the many'', but at the midpoint of the seven years leading up to the return of Christ (The 70th week of Daniel), he will defile the Temple, causing the daily sacrifices and offerings to cease. He will then declare himself to be god and demand to be worshiped. Clearly, in order to put an end to the daily sacrifices and offerings, the Temple must have previously been rebuilt. And in order to confirm a covenant, there must already be one in place. When it is confirmed, God's final countdown will begin.

This is why what is going on in Israel today is of such prophetic importance. We are close to fulfillment of the final prophesy which will culminate with the return of Jesus Christ.

[As an aside, it is interesting (if not prophetic) that ``the many'' of Daniel, chapter 9, comes from the same Hebrew root word from which we get Rabin. It is Rabin who is executing these peace accords. Could the Holy Spirit have given us a little additional insight into the current Middle East peace process as it relates to Daniel 9?(4)]

It is like watching a storm approaching on the horizon. You don't know the exact time it will hit, but because you are watching, you know it is coming. As it approaches, the signs of the storm intensify; the wind increases, the thunder becomes louder and the lightning grows ever brighter. It finally gets so close that you expect it to be upon you at any moment.

This is how the hour of Jesus' return will be. We cannot know the exact day or hour, but if we are faithful to his command to watch, we will see the signs intensify, and we will know that it is ``time to look up for our salvation draweth nigh.'' However, if we fail to watch and take heed, we will be caught off guard. Will you then have enough oil in your lamp to meet the Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13)?

What to Do in Light of These Events

These are exciting topics to be sure, but as we see daily movement toward fulfillment of these prophecies, what should our response be?

First of all, as a ``watchman on the wall'' it is our God-given responsibility to sound the warning so all who have ears to hear will take heed. It is the listener's responsibility to diligently search the scriptures to see if what we tell you is in fact true according to the Bible (Acts 17:11, 1Thes 5:21).

Secondly, as we explore additional prophecies in the months ahead, we believe that there will be little doubt in your minds that Jesus' return is very close. Recognize that the coming of Jesus Christ is the reason for the signs themselves, so that the Church, when it sees the signs, can point to them as evidence of His coming. And the purpose of that evidence is to convict the sinner to seek and get right with God before it is too late. It also serves to to encourage Christians to be holy and godly (2 Peter 3:11-14). The daily fulfillment of prophesy is evidence that the Bible is true. And if the Bible is true, then the Bible is correct when it says that salvation, eternal life, is found in only one person and that being Jesus Christ.

Therefore, don't get caught up in fear, but do the work of an evangelist. Don't get so caught up with the future that you forget that many shall die before Christ's Return. Today is the day of salvation for many who are perishing. Their tomorrow shall not see His return in glory to judge the living and the dead. Today is the day of their salvation. Many are called but few are chosen. Do the work of an Evangelist day in and day out, for the time is short.

And lastly, do not neglect the daily reading of the scriptures and your time in prayer. Remember, bitterness has no place with God. Purify your hearts and thoughts through the washing of the Word. Think on Him continually. He will not fail you but will accomplish all that He will through you. Do not be easily discouraged. There remains much to be done before the fulfillment of all things.

Jesus is coming soon. Seek the Lord while it is still light, for the darkness is coming where no one may seek Him.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.


``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).

``Prophecy and Current Events" is published bimonthly by: ``To His Glory Ministries" Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute for non-commercial purposes. Consider duplicating and distributing to friends, relatives, pastor or your church congregation. However, copying for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. CopyRight 1995, To His Glory Ministries, All Rights Reserved. We value your comments. Please forward them to us.

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