Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set thee a watchman on the wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

Peace in the Middle East--A Prelude to War? -- Part 4

Prophesy against Gog of the land of Magog (Russia)

By: Vince Aquilino

Art Work by Bill Cristman, (c) 1993

This is part four of a multi-part series dealing with the nation of Israel. In the last issue, we discussed how God is in the process of recalling His chosen people to the land of Israel, setting the stage for one of the most important events in Biblical prophesy: the invasion of Israel. This issue will focus on this end-time military campaign. This campaign involves nuclear weapons, judgment upon "Magog", her allies, and judgment upon another nation "which lives in the safety of the far distant coast lands.''

The events leading up to this invasion (as well as the cleanup after the battle) is described in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39. And although the book of Ezekiel was written around 565 B.C., when we examine current events as they relate to Ezekiel's prophesy, it will seem that our target text is coming right out of today's newspapers -- a further demonstration that, on God's prophetic timeclock, we are living in the last days.


EZE 38:1-2 "And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.''

"Set thy face against'' is a command to a prophet who is being instructed to denounce a nation or a people. In other words, Ezekiel was being told to deliver a prophecy against Gog of the land of Magog.

To determine the identity of the nation Magog, we must recognize that God refers to lands, or countries, by the names of Noah's ancestors as set forth in "The Table of Nations'' (Genesis, chapter 10). The names of the countries in Ezekiel's prophesy are the names of Noah's sons and grandsons who settled in the areas now occupied by the modern nations of Eastern Europe, the Muslim republics of the C.I.S., Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Ethiopia. Therefore, to identify which modern day countries Ezekiel is referring to, we need to locate where, on today's map, these ancient peoples settled.

Magog was the son of Japeth, a grandson of Noah, who settled in the vast area north of the Caucasus mountains. His descendants were the progenerators of the Russian peoples who later became known as the Scythians. The Scythians terrorized Asia, from the steeps of Russia to the Great Wall of China, from the tenth century through the sixth century B.C. The Great Wall of China was referred to by ancient Muslim writers as the "Great Wall of Al Magog.'' It was built to keep the Scythians out. The name "Caucasus'' means "Gog's Fort''. So Magog is that vast area north of the Caucasus Mountains which today comprises the "Georgian'' state of Russia. Mikhail Gorbachov was born here.

It should be noted that over twenty Jewish and Christian scholars associate Magog with Russia. For example, in the Talmud (L. Gensburg, 1889/58), Magog is the country of the White Huns (or southern Russia). Flavius Josephus, writing in the first century, also believed that Magog was connected to the Scythians, a people who lived north of the Black Sea in the area of the Caucasus Mountains (S.J. 1,6,25). However, to be certain there is no difficulty identifying Magog with Russia, God expounds on the identity of the nation against whom this prophesy is directed: "Set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.'' Meshech and Tubal were also Noah's grandsons. Meshech was the name of the tribe that eventually chose `Moscow' as its capital. Tubal was the name of the tribe that established `Tobolsk' as its capital city, which later became the capital of Siberia.

It is interesting to note that The Revised Standard version of the Bible translates this verse as: "Set thy face against Gog of the land of Magog, of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.'' In this case, the name `Rosh' is a proper name and is the root word from which we get the word Russia. William Kelly, in Notes on Ezekiel (pp. 192-193), says: "It is true that `Rosh,' when the context requires it to be a common appellative, means `head,' or `chief.' But it is this sense which in the present instance brings in confusion. There can be no doubt therefore that it must be taken as a proper name, and here not as a man as in Genesis 26:2, if the common reading stands, but as a race. This at once furnishes a suitable sense, which is strengthened by the term which precedes it as well as by those that follow. Meshech and Tubal fix Rosh as meaning a Gentile name Rosh.''

Dr. Louis Bauman wrote in Russian Events in the Light of Biblical Prophesy, p. 24, that "Our Lord's own Bible, the Septuagint, speaks of `Gog' as `the prince of Rosh.' If modern lexicographers are consulted as to what nation now represents `Rosh,' nearly all of them, together with most expositors, say, Russia.''

But if this is not enough evidence, in Ezekiel 38:15, God tells us that Gog will come from his place in the far, or extreme, north. There is no other nation further north then Russia. It is no coincidence that if we consult a globe of the world and draw a line due north from Jerusalem that it intersects Moscow. Therefore, the land of Magog is equivalent to that area far to the north of Israel that we know today as Russia (including Central Asia), and Gog is Russia's leader.


3 "And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords.''

In Daniel, Chapter 2, and throughout the Bible, we find that God exercises control over the rise and fall of nations. God only lets national sin go so far before bringing judgement. We see from the above verses that God is clearly in control, and Russia will be forced to participate in this military campaign.

Russia may want to stay out of the conflict, as does the person who hires a hit man to do their dirty work. But whether Russia wishes to participate directly in this campaign, or just stand on the sidelines while the nations she has armed do the dirty work, is irrelevant. God will force Russia to participate because, as we find later in this chapter, God will judge Russia for touching "the apple of God's eye", the nation of Israel. Since 1917, Russia has killed 60 million innocent people -- including five million Jews and fifteen million Christians.

The text indicates that before Russia is brought forth with its full army to join its Muslim allies (verses 5-6), she is first turned back (``And I will turn thee back''). Since the context of this passage appears to be a military operation, it is logical to assume that Russia is "turned back'' from some limited military engagement (limited is implied, because when Russia is brought forward, it is with her whole army). God initially forces Russia to be turned back, then "puts hooks into their jaws,'' drawing them into battle. "Hooks in thy jaw'' is a Biblical phrase similar to putting a bit into the mouth of a horse, meaning to control by force.

"And then God will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords.'' This certainly sounds like a military operation.

Before we continue, let's take a look at the current military operation between Russia and Chechnya. It was supposed to be the equivalent of a police action, lasting just a couple of days. Instead, the Russian military machine is in disarray, unorganized and confused. The conflict has been going on now for two months; it is not only a military disaster, but a political disaster for Yeltzin (whose political approval rating has fallen to eight percent).

First of all, how could Russia, with its incredible military machine, fail in this endeavor? Is it possible that this is the conflict from which Russia is turned back?

God sometimes intervenes in the affairs of men in order to protect His Holy Word. This was undoubtedly the case in the 1948 war with Israel, which followed the U.N.'s recognition of Israel as a sovereign nation. Israel had been invaded by a coalition of seven Arab nations, facing overwhelming odds, and yet prevailed. How? Their military consisted of two airplanes, a few jeeps and a citizen army. They faced certain defeat.

Then in 1967, Israel was attacked on three fronts by Egypt, Jordan and Syria. They were vastly outmanned and outgunned, yet they emerged victorious. Why? Clearly it was the hand of God; once Israel was reestablished a second time, according to Isaiah 11, they would never be uprooted again. Today, Israel, about the size of New Jersey, is the world's third most powerful military force. But against the entire Russian military and those of the Muslim nations she would have zero chance of survival, save for God's direct intervention.

The Chechnya affair bears watching. If it turns out that it is God's turning the Russians back, then the Israeli invasion cannot be far behind. It is only a possibility, but considering the political unrest in Russia, her entangling alliances with Iran and the other Muslim nations, it is a distinct possibility.

In any case, with Russia in apparent economic crises, and Yeltzin facing elections in 1996, one thing is certain. He cannot afford another Chechnya. If there are any more "police actions'' during Yeltzin's term, he had better win decisively or face being forcibly removed from office.

What better time to single out a scapegoat for Russia's internal problems? We know from Jeremiah, chapter 16, that Russia will once again turn on the Jews. And since Yeltzin will be facing Gorbachov and Zhirinovsky -- both popular opponents -- in the upcoming presidential race, will Yeltzin take extreme measures to remain in power?

Vladimir Zhirinovsky is strongly anti-Semitic. He blames the Jews for Russia's problems. In his autobiography, apocalyptically entitled The Last Dash South, he outlines his plan for a massive invasion south into the land of Israel. Now whether Zhirinovsky wins in 1996 (or earlier, as there are already outcries for earlier elections), or Yeltzin (in his desperation to remain in power) seizes the initiative, one thing is certain -- Russia will come forth out of her place to invade Israel. It will be after she is "turned back'' from some other ill-fated military operation. If it is Chechnya, then Yeltzin cannot afford to lose face a second time. Clearly, going forth "with all thine army'' is to ensure success. And when you consider the breadth of this military operation, without God's intervention, Israel is doomed.

It is intriguing that analysts are predicting that the Chechnya unrest will spread to Magog. Denis Dragounski, a Fellow of the U.S. Institute of Peace, answering the question "What will be the next hot spot in Russia?'' stated: "The northern Caucasus as a whole will be an area of unrest, specifically the Cossack populations of the Krasnodar Krai and the Strvropol Krai...'' Paul Goble, Senior Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International peace, says: "We'll see guerilla war and terrorism coming out of the northern Caucasus. Chechnya is going to spread ... Boris Yeltsin has thrown water on a grease fire.``

So, after being turned back, Russia begins a massive military campaign with "all their army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords.'' Let's explore the language of this verse.

The Hebrew word translated by the 1611 King James translators as "horse'' in this passage is the word "leaper''; In Jeremiah 8:7 the same word is translated "bird"; and in Exodus 14:9, it is translated as chariot. The translators did their best to associate "leaper'' with a vehicle of war as it existed in their century. In 1611, a leaper would have been a horse. But today, we could interpret "leaper'' as helicopter, perhaps, armored personnel carrier or tank. In even the modern-day Army, motorized infantry is still referred to as Cavalry -- again a reference to horses. Ezekiel had never seen a tank or an armored personnel carrier. He framed this futuristic scene in the language of his day, which was in turn translated into the language of 1611, when horses were the main vehicle of mechanized infantry.

Jumping ahead to Ezekiel 39:3, we encounter a similar case. God says of Magog: "Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand.'' The term "arrow'' is translated from two Hebrew root words (transliterated as "Chets'' [Strong's reference number 2671], and "Qesheth'' [strong's reference number 7198]. Chet means "a piercer or piercing shaft which is figurative of a thunderbolt from God"). In 1611, a piercing shaft that is projected like a thunderbolt would be an arrow. The other Hebrew word, "Qesheth", is that which launches it, or a bow. The lexicon of the modern-day Bible for Ezekiel 39:3 is not the original Hebrew, but rather the closest thing the English translators of 1611 could come up with. Today, we might say "I will strike your missile launchers from your left hand and make your missiles drop from your right hand'' and be perfectly justified in doing so. And as we shall find out later, missiles and nuclear bombs are most likely involved.


5 "Persia, Ethiopia (Cush), and Libya (Put) with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.''

God tells us the countries that will join the Russians in forming this massive invasion force. These nations are: `Persia'' (mainly Iran and parts of northern Iraq and Afganistan); "Cush'' (Ethiopia and Sudan); "Put'' (Libya); "Gomer, and all his bands'' (Eastern Europe - Gomer was an immediate descendant of Noah who settled north of the Black Sea in modern day Russia. They later moved westward into what is today Eastern Germany in the area of Poland; "The house of Togarmah of the north quarters and all his bands'' (Togarmah was the second son of Gomer; his descendants occupied northern and eastern Turkey. Many of these "bands'' occupied Southern Russia which used to be comprised of many small nations such as Armenia, and included some of the Tartar hordes who lived in Asia south of the Sea of Aral and toward the Caspian Sea. The Armenians still refer to themselves as the house of Togarmah).

It should be noted that none of the nations that join Russia are Arab -- they are all Muslim. They do not share the same ethnology or the same geographic location, but they do have one thing in common: Islam and a fanatical hatred of Israel. Their goal is the total annihilation of Israel.


7 "Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.''

Russia's allies have something else in common: she has armed them all.

Lybia, for starters, is studded with Russian bases positioned for attack on Israel. They are developing ballistic missiles and have in-flight refueling capability for their bombers. They are dedicated to the destruction of Israel.

Ethiopia, formally a friend of the West, is now also populated with Soviet bases which are manned by Cubans, Russians, East German and North Korean troops and include 50,000 Russian advisors.

Hashimer Rafsanjani of Iran (former Persia) has announced his desire to unite the Muslim Islamic world. Iran is selling oil to Russia at a discount and, in exchange, has been allowed to spend over fourteen billion dollars in arms trade with Russia -- making Iran the premier military power among the radical Muslim nations.

Besides the 115 planes Rafsanjani "inherited'' from Sadam Hussein during the Iraq war with the United States (UN), he has acquired the latest in Russian air power. These include state-of-the-art "Backfire bombers,'' MIG fighter planes, AWACs, etc. They are also purchasing artillery, tanks and Russian submarines.

According to Rafsenjani, Islam has replaced Marxism as the ideology of the future. He has formed an alliance with Syria and is trying to unite all the Moslems. He now believes that they have the resources, from oil revenues, and the nuclear capability to disconnect planet earth from its Christian/Judeo world order. Iran has funded 30 schools in the Sudan to train terrorists. The Massod, Israel's intelligence organization, says they are the best funded and organized schools of there kind in history. The radical Muslims also hate the United States, the "Great Satan", and they are training terrorists for operation in the USA.

Most disconcerting, is that Rafsanjani has hired hundreds of Russian nuclear scientists. These scientists worked for under $50 a month in Russia, but are now being paid over $5,000 a month by Rafsanjani. Tthey are, therefore, highly motivated. Iran has also purchased at least four nuclear bombs on the Russian black market and has acquired hundreds of advanced Scud Missiles from Russia, North Korea, and China. These missiles not only put Israel at risk, but pose a risk for Europe as well. It is disconcerting to think what might have happened if the bomb placed under the World Trade Center by Iranian terrorists had been nuclear.

These nuclear bombs have a limited shelf life. Unless the uranium is periodically reprocessed, they become unstable and useless. Iran is in the position of using them or losing them. A sobering thought when one considers that Islam is fanatically dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of Israel (and of all infidels who do not embrace Islam -- including Christians).

Islam did not start with Mohammed. It began in Babylon with the worship of the moon god. Islam does not win converts by their love, they win converts by the sword. The symbol of this ancient Antichrist Babylonian religion was the crescent moon; this symbol still adorns all the Muslim mosques today.

Israel was under Muslim control until December 9, 1917 when Lord Allenby liberated Israel from Turkish control. Lord Allenby's liberation of Jerusalem was a fulfillment of Biblical prophesy. General Allenby, being a Christian, was greatly troubled that the city of Jerusalem might be destroyed by artillery before the Turks surrendered. Allenby contacted headquarters seeking guidance. By today's standards, the reply he received was inconceivable. It was a scripture verse -- Isaiah 31:5 - "As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.''

Allenby decided to overfly Jerusalem, dropping leaflets which demanded their surrender. What he did not know was that the Turks believed in an old prophesy that they would never lose the Holy City until "a man of Allah'' came to deliver it. Allenby's signature on the leaflet was mistaken for "Allah Beh'' (man of Allah). The Turks surrendered without firing a incredible fulfillment of Biblical prophesy which put Israel under British mandate. This mandate, called the Balfour Declaration, called for a Jewish homeland and set the foundation for modern Israel. Since Jerusalem was once under Islamic control, the city is considered holy to the Muslims, and they are waiting for the right time to wage a Holy War to reclaim it for Allah. They consider the total destruction of Israel a Koranic imperative.

A major problem for Israel is that the Central Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyztan) are also Muslim and thus committed to Israel's destruction. They have nuclear weapons, ICBM's and have signed a military assistance pact with the Russian Federation. Because these republics contain over 60 million Muslims, Russia fears Muslim fundamentalist agitation throughout former Soviet Central Asia, as well as the Russian federation itself. As a result, Russia has been cooperating with Iran. This could explain Iran's silence, in light of the slaughter of Muslims in both Bosnia and Chechnya.

In his newsletter, Chuck Missler stated that "Russia needs Iran's restraint in Central Asia, and the price is supporting Tehran's more important ambitions elsewhere: the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and, of course, Israel. We suspect that the Islamic commitments could well prove to be the `hooks in the jaw' that will draw Russia into the ill-fated `Magog invasion' of Israel.'' (Personal Update, Vol. 3, No 12., page 6, Koinonia House. P.O. Box D, Coeur d'Alene ID. 83816)

It is evident that Russia continues to build its strategic alliance with Iran. This includes not only weapons, but nuclear power plant technology as well. Russia has supplied Iran with at least two nuclear power plants, is training nuclear technicians and is establishing a nuclear research facility. It is probable that Iran wants to obtain this technology to reprocess the enriched uranium in the nuclear bombs obtained from the Russian nuclear stockpile.

Furthermore (in addition to the Russian-Iranian Axis), Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan and Afganistan have formed a strategic alliance with the twin goals of expulsing western influence in the Gulf and the destruction of Israel. Things are heating up for Israel. She is surrounded by radical Muslim nations dedicated to her destruction. Russia is arming and preparing these troops exactly as the Bible predicted. And the peace process -- though fraught with problems, is continuing forward. When it reaches conclusion, it may produce a false sense of security for Israel and may perhaps be the time that "Russia thinks an evil thought", and leads the radical Muslim nations in their ill-fated invasion of Israel. More on this next time.

What they will not anticipate is God's intervention in the course of human history. The result is catastrophic for the invaders, but will change life for all mankind, as well. These events include nuclear weapons and an earthquake so large that it shakes the entire earth. But most important is that, during this time in history, God once again pours out His Spirit on the House of Israel, showsing His greatness and holiness, and making Himself known in the sight of many nations. "Then they will know that I am the LORD". (Eze 38:23) God will "once again, in a little while, shake the heavens and the earth, and the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts."(Haggai 2:6-7) "And the desired of the nations shall come.''

God's righteous judgements are always redemptive. He does not desire that anyone perish, but that all come to repentance and everlasting life.

This invasion could now take place at almost any time. To prepare for it, stay close to the Lord by purifying your heart and thoughts through the daily washing of the Word. Be careful not to forsake the Holy One of Israel. Soon the culmination of all things shall begin.

We will discuss what is in store for America and the rest of the world, next time.

``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).



Islamic Invasion, Robert Morey, Harvest House Publishers

Armageddon, Appt with Destiny, Grant Jeffery, Bantam Books

Vladimir Zhrinovsky, The Man Who Would Be Gog, Scot Overby, Hearthstone Publishing

Strategic Trends in the 90s, Chuck Missler, Koinonia House

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