Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

Rhema Word for 2001

Prophecy given to Kathleen Mitchell

Given: 01/02/2001 - 11:45 am
Posted: 01/26/2001

Jesus is Coming Soon!

Rhema Word for 2001

Forward by To His Glory Ministries:

1) Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared - who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken - who can but prophesy? (Amos 3:7-8)

Rhema Word for 2001

January 2, 2001............Kathleen D. Mitchell.........11:45 AM

Rhema on the new millennium and on the year 2001 "My eyes are filled with fire...with a burning zeal for My people, and for My holy mountain. My eyes are filled with fire for the sake of My name and for My possession. My eyes are filled with fire for the sake of My Word and for My standard to be raised over My Land and over My people. My eyes are filled with fire, and they are turned upon the nations who scorn these things. Is the cup of wickedness not yet full, that My eyes should behold more iniquity? Is it not over flowing within My sight? Who dares to raise up a name other than Mine upon My holy mountain? Who tolerates it? Who promotes such an abomination, and who finances it? Shall My fire not be released to consume them? For the sake of the faithful to Me, and to My Word, I shall undertake.

Damascus be warned...My eyes are directed toward you!
Gaza be warned...My eyes are directed toward you!
Edom be warned...My eyes are directed toward you!
Egypt be warned...My eyes are directed toward you!
Saudi Arabia be warned...My eyes are directed toward you!
Europe and the United States...My eyes are directed toward you. Iran and
Iraq...Russia and Holland...My eyes are directed toward you. Brokers of unholy peace, you shall be broken.

And you Israel...what of you? You are divided in heart and in mind. You are divided in loyalty. Shall this be the way of a chosen and holy people? You shall be tested this year to determine which God you honor and serve. There shall be a silence, followed by a deafening roar, and all shall be changed.

In a moment of time, I shall speak. My voice shall be heard. Who shall ignore My speaking? Divided hearts shall be split open and shall bleed out. Hardened hearts shall shatter. Softened hearts will beat faster and stronger. Cold hearts shall turn to ice. Be manifest this year in the fullness of that which your heart contains. If love...then more love. If bitterness...then more bitterness. If treachery...then betrayal come forth. In this year, the substance of the human heart shall increase. Then I shall be seen as righteous in my judgments this year. For that which has been concealed under darkness shall be seen in the light...and that which has been shut down under oppression, shall be released into fullness. Those, who know not their own hearts, will be in a place of decision this year. Where they stand will reveal the choice of the heart. In this way, I will be seen as righteous in My judgments and in My blessings. What man has judged as arbitrary, will be seen as just and steadfast by My holy ones.

There shall be a great howling this year. As a wolf howls against the moon, so shall the mournful howl arise from the followers of the moon god. Devoid of light, their false worship to the false god, will bring forth the sound of grieving where there has been adoration. The smell of blood which inspires the song of the wolf, will be strong in the nostrils of the moon worshippers. The blood will be their own.

The threat against My people will be sucked down deeply into the earth.

Bridges of unholy transport will collapse.

Sources of impure water will dry up.

A fountain head of truth will be opened and will pour forth fresh water.

Shoes upon misguided feet will disintegrate, so that they can no longer walk their course without pain.

Coverings to hide wickedness, will perforate and will shred, beginning the revelation of that which lies underneath.

Coins of value will melt.

Blankets of warmth will be eaten by moths.

The song birds will break forth to drown out the screeching of the owls.

Resistant fruit will give way to rust and to mildew.

Closed infant eyes will open and will focus.

Overfilled stomachs will vomit and be found empty. Those who hunger for truth, will be richly fed.

The wings of mechanical flight will be broken off. Those created for natural flight will soar.

Locked gardens will open by the keys of the gatekeepers.

There shall be a new sounds coming from the heavens, which will revert worship to its source.

Think kindly upon Israel this year, or experience the thoughts of Israel's God made manifest against wickedness.

This is My word."


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"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).


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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).

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