Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

War Cry - A Call to Battle!

Prophecy given to Kathleen Mitchell
Given: 02/25/2001 - 3:25 pm
Posted: 03/01/2001

Jesus is Coming Soon!

War Cry - A Call to Battle!

Forward by To His Glory Ministries:

1) Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared - who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken - who can but prophesy? (Amos 3:7-8)

There is a war coming, both physical and spiritual, but the spiritual transcends the physical. Praise and Worship are powerful warfare weapons that can scatter the enemy and destroy his plans. Are you one of those the Lord is raising up to war with praise and worship? The time is short, a wall of protection can still be built, but who will war for the Lord with praise and worship? It seems God has warned of great deception and so-called leaders who will not take up the war cry, and respond with Holy Worship?

Who will take up the battle cry and respond with praise and Holy worship? Who will stand for the Lord? Will it be you?

"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.'" [Eze 33:6]
Out of the mouth of babes and infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger. [PSA 8:2]

War Cry - A Call to Battle!

Feb. 25, 2001 3:25 PM
Received by Kathleen D. Mitchell

" Babylon devises great evil against my land, and against My people. Great is the hatred and greed in Babylon against My possession. As a bird flies into a snare of vines, as it flies in blindness, so shall these planners of evil fly directly into My snare. I have blinded them with their own arrogance. The unholy alliance, they have made with death, has dried up the life within them. Even now they walk and think and speak as dead men, in pursuit of company in their bondage. Death is their thought, and it is the food, which nourishes their bones. But how can death perpetuate life? It is not life as I have created it. It is living death. For the life, which I design, is permeated with love and with hope. This, in which they thrive, is devoid of both. Hatred enlivens their dead hearts. Lies are exhaled from their cold chests. Their fingers grasp the instruments of death, as if they are toys of fascination and power. The council has met. The decisions have been made, and the intrigue formed. The lies have been coated with reason and the motives with humanism. The key hidden pieces of truth have been locked away in the vaults of devious minds. Who knows the combination to unlock these vaults?

My Enemy is as persuasive as he is clever. He is so clever that he can change both shape and scenario, lodged in human minds, to his own advantage. Unrenewed, unregenerate minds are fair territory for him. As a worm crawls through rotting wood, so does my Enemy crawl through degenerate minds, corroding and digesting every last bit of solidity.

(Clear image given of a perfect orange in a hand) He offers a juicy orange as a prize. Once peeled it is nothing but a mass of rotten seeds within a casing. Where is the fragrance of the orange? It is falsely painted on the surface. Inside the flesh is a deadly stench.

(Image given of long-haired, ugly, dark, flying, bird-like creatures) Behold the gathering harpies over Babylon. Their screeching is every hour more loud than the hour before. They project their voices into the women of deadened heart and vicious mouths. They sharpen their talons on the stones of ancient ruins. If they claw deeply enough, perhaps they will erase the truth etched in the ancient stones.

Where are my godly leaders? Are there none outside of the Enemy's alliance? Are there none, which are unbought by promises, and unpurchased by conspiracy's intrigue? Who will speak for Me and for My cause? Who will govern for Me? I have a few who walk in high places. But who can walk there for long? Are there none both righteous and also strong? In whom do these put their faith? Who will be willing to allow My hand to catch the assassin's bullet, if one should break rank to follow after My will?

Is there a hope in Israel? Is there a watchman and an intercessor? Is there a word of truth that can be heard and trusted by more than a handful?

Destruction hovers, and who but I can divert it? As the prophet stood between his people of disobedience, and the moving plague, who now will have the courage and the righteousness to do the same? Pray for more than one. Pray for a righteous wall to rise up between the people and the oncoming destruction. The prayers of the righteous will move My hand. The cry of the remnant will stay the Destroyer. Respond!

The hour is near and it is at hand for the day to be accomplished according to My will. Who will be co-laborers in this coming thing? Who will be asleep, and then overcome? Who will side with the Enemy, and be crushed? Respond!

Who will count the days as precious? Who will fall into paralyzed dispair? Who will join the oppressors to save his own life? Respond!

Who will be unmoved by threats? Who will be deceived into believing that the threats are empty noise? Who will run with the threats, and empower them with their own misplaced allegiance? Respond!

Who will call down the covering of the Lord? Who will make their own weak coverings? Who will find shelter under the cloak of the dark lord? Respond?

Who will pick up holy weapons for battle in a righteous cause? Who will devise their own defense? Who will receive unholy weapons and use them against My people, and against my cause? Respond!

(A clear image is given of the globe, with string stretching over its surface) The earth is held together by a network of string. Who of men holds the free ends? In time, My holy fire will consume the string, and the hands that have held it. All that was held together shall come apart. Who then will restore it to its manufactured greatness? Beware of the one who will arise!

The time is set, and the plans are established. Out of the depth arises a war cry. Who shall answer it with the sound of holy worship? Who shall scatter its reverberations with praise of My name? Respond people of My heart! Respond followers of My word! Respond children of My hand! Respond and do not delay! Revelation 3:12. Respond!

Throw down your clay jars containing My light. Cast them into camp of the Enemy, and cry out with a holy shout! There is a victory to be had. You shall have the privilege to make it Mine."

Click Here to send EMail to: Kathleem Mitchell

"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).


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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).

``Prophecy and Current Events" is published by: ``To His Glory Ministries"

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