Prophecy and Current Events

Comet Lee Approaches

By: Vince Aquilino

To His Glory Ministries


I have pieced this synopsis together from various sources that have expressed concern regarding Comet Lee's approach to earth. Let me say this about that -- Trust Jesus!

Comet Lee ( C/1999 H1) is headed to earth. Based on current estimates, Comet Lee's rendezvous with earth's orbit is right around Rosh Ha’Shanah. The significance of this event in concert with Rosh Ha’Shanah is of great prophetic significance (Rosh Ha’Shanah has been discussed in the many articles referenced below). I do want to address some of the other material that is being bantered around the web regarding this comet so you may be better able to form your own conclusions about its potential to effect the earth.

Here is a graphic of the orbit of Comet Lee relative to the earth:

 As of this juncture, let’s be clear, prior to going around the sun the comet was projected to come no closer the about .9 AU (about 84 million miles) to earth -- which is no danger at all based on standard celestial mechanics and the traditional "dirty snow ball" theory. But there are still concerns about its orbit.

It has been noted by some researchers that Comet Lee is not a periodic comet (such as Halley) nor is it a long-period comet (such as Hale-Bopp) and since it is coming almost straight into our Solar System from interstellar space, it is felt that Lee's "orbit" can only be determined with any certainty after Lee has reached perihelion (crossed over the Sun), and exited down below the orbital path of the planets (the ecliptic).

Other concerns center around the sun going into Solar max, coincident with the comets arrival into our solar system, and the possibility that the comet’s course could be deflected. If in fact the comet is struck by one of the numerous Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections, an alteration of its path is possible.

In addition, as I understand it, there is speculation that solar radiation could causes ice to melt on its surface resulting in a jet-type action that could either push the comet away from the Sun and slow it down (depending on whether or not the nucleus of the comet is rotating) and if this occurs, the comet could come closer to earth.

There are also concerns about the accuracy of the currently published orbital information from JPL. It is a fact that Hale-Bopp’s orbit was recalculated 47 times by JPL and it is anticipated that Lee’s orbit will also likewise be recalculated several times. The reason for these recalculations, at least as hypothesized, has to do with how much space plasma materials are collected on route -- the more space plasma materials collected, the slower the speed, and hence the tighter the orbit and the closer to Earth Comet Lee will come.

The bottom line is that if the Plasma Theory is correct, a miss of the earth is not necessarily a miss and damage could still be done. McCanney's Plasma Discharge Theory states that comets are highly charged electromagnetic objects that suck-up space plasma materials and when a comet enters the plasma rich domain of our solar system they begin to interact with our solar system sucking in plasma and getting brighter and heavier. If this were to occur, the speculation is that its orbit might substantially arc inwards towards Earth.

However, even if the comet misses earth, according to this theory, since the comet has mass and is just not frozen water vapor, there is a potential for electrical interaction with other heavenly bodies which could effect the earth’s magnetic fields and kick up some terrible hurricanes in the Atlantic

So if the plasma discharge theory is true, even a miss of several million miles could be a hit in the sense of electromagnetic interactions. Some feel that if the comet gets close enough to earth, it could send discharges through space to the moon, or Earth, proving the ancient legends about Zeus hurtling thunderbolts amongst the planets..

I put absolutely no credence in Nostradamus or his prophecies, but there is substantial information circulating on Comet Lee relative to his predictions, so this commentary is provided for completeness only.

"(Century 10 - Quatrain 72) The year 1999, the seventh month (the word seven used in the above (C10 - Q72) "prophecy" means "Sept. " in the original French. Consequently, most Nostradamus scholars now conclude that the seventh month must refer to September) from the sky will come a great King of Terror: Resuscitating the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars to reign Happily. The above quatrain is now being interpreted by a host of Nostradamus scholars, as meaning that a monstrous comet will pass near the Earth sometime between July and September 1999, awakening a Genghis Khan type warrior." (Anti-Christ?) "Both before and after the comet passes, war will reign happily." (War? Ezekiel 38?)

"C3 - Q34 indicates that when the eclipse of the Sun will then be, In broad daylight the monster will be seen: Everyone will differ on the interpretation, High price unguarded: none will have prepared."

Interestingly, we did have an eclipse and an object (actually three objects) did appear. "High price unguarded" may mean that when everyone panics and starts hoarding food at the last minute because they did not prepare, that prices go through the roof. If you wish to see pictures of the three objects, visit the Millennium Group’s web site at:

Note: The Millennium Group notes that Comet Lee may have fractured, which is interesting since "According to various interpretations of the Nostradamus prophecies, the tail of this comet contains a hidden cometary, asteroid, or meteor fragment in its tail. When the comet passes by the Earth in September, the fragment will fall out of the comets' tail and slam into the Mid Atlantic Rise, creating a massive 2000/3000 Ft tidal wave. This tsunami will inundate all the coastal areas of North America and Europe, as well as the Pacific Rim area and Sub-Continents."

This is consistent with Revelation which indicates a "flaming mountain" that is cast into the sea.

"Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood; and a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water; and the name of the star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood; and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter." (REV 8:8-11)

You may also want to read another couple of article from the Millennium group which may give you pause:

The above information is provided so you may know how to pray and to get serious with God. Whether or not Comet Lee will be any more then just one more in a long series of signs in the heavens heralding the Lord’s return, remains to be seen. Just like Y2K, no one will know the impact (no play on words intended) of Comet Lee until it gets here.

At this juncture, being one week away, it does not appear to be a problem, but prayer is always a good idea. Regardless of the effect on earth, Comet Lee is definitely one more sign in the heavens. Keep Looking up!

"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." (Luke 21:28)

"Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:36)



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Prophetic Links:

Is September 11, 1999 the Rapture? - Part 1

Is September 11, 1999 the Rapture? - Part 2

Is September 11, 1999 the Rapture? - Part 3

Is September 11, 1999 the Rapture? - Part 4

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