Prophets and Leaders Respond to Attack
Vince Aquilino
Sept. 16th, 2001
These are a second set of articles for your consideration.
The following is provided to you for your prayful consideration. To His Glory Ministries does not necessarily agree or disagree with the content of these reports. It is your responsibility to be Berean and to hold on to what is good and reject what is false. However, these articles should bring perspective and assurance that God is in Control as well as provide a game plan for the future.
Kathleen Mitchell - Prophetic Insight into America's Tradegy
Cindy Jacobs - Warning to America
A Prayer for America
Lincoln's Prayer Proclimation
Join Prayer Warriors Against Abortion
Kathleen Mitchell's Prophetic Insight into America's Tradegy
Forward by To His Glory Ministries: I have read this article and believe what Kathleen has communicated to be accurate. I would encourage every one to pray as the Holy Spirit has given her the prayer directives below and, of course, as the Lord would lead individually.
Shalom in the name of the Messiah, Yeshua:
How desperately we all need the shalom of the Lord after this past week of horror and tragedy. So many of us were watching our televisions at the very moment the terrorists plunged the airliners into the towers of the World Trade Center. It was as if time was frozen. It was as if we were seeing a scene from one of the "action" movies which have been seen in theaters, or on ome video over the past several years. Then the impossible happened....the first tower collapsed ... followed shortly by the second. It was a real, live disaster movie in front of our eyes. It seemed like we were watching one of those intentional, expertly controlled demolitions, used to remove old buildings, to make way for new construction. How could this be? How could these HUGELY secure, stable, "on top of the world" structures...symbols of the prosperity and ingenuity of the Americans, be so quickly gone? How could thousands of unsuspecting lives literally vanish from the earth in a heartbeat of time? News of the attack on the Pentagon, and word of a fourth plane, downed in Pennsylvania, before reaching its target, caused the horror to imbed even more deeply into our hearts and minds. Over and over the scenes have been replayed on the television, so that no one in this nation has not been a witness of the tragedy. The question instantly emerged. How could this happen? A handful of committed, deluded, convinced radicals changed our lives forever. It was as if we were instantly swept from naive childhood into the stark, inescapable realities of adulthood in the midst of war. Some say we lost our innocence as a nation, but I disagree. Our national sin against the Creator, would not allow any of us to stand in self-righteousness ... claiming our innocence. I believe what we lost was our denial and our fantasy pertaining to our vulnerability/invulnerability as a nation. If a bus filled with passengers would have been blown up by a suicide bomber...if a restaurant had been shattered, and lives lost during the lunch hour ... if an open market had been flattened by a terrorist attack, we would have been grieved and incensed for a while. We might forget within a few days or weeks, as we could comfort ourselves with the thought that this was an isolated incident. Perhaps we would have even sympathized with the perpetrators, as we would consider their "frustrations which drove them to such desperation." But this attack, of such magnitude, how could we absorb it? How could we explain it away? It is one thing to hear of such terror attacks in Israel or elsewhere, but NOT HERE!
Scripture assures us that the Lord sends warnings and admonitions through His prophets, before destruction comes. In His mercy, He gives us time to repent and to prepare. Did we receive any warnings of this horrific outbreak of terrorism in our land? I believe we did. For weeks...even months...I have heard from prophetic friends that our national pride was about to be shaken.
Some even used the word "terrorism" in describing what was coming. Just a few weeks ago, while in prayer, I was given a vision of an immense jet black cloud, moving forward, just above the earth, over a body of water. It was very frightening to see. As I inquired of the Lord about the nature of this cloud...fearing that it might be an approaching enemy...surprisingly I heard, "It is My judgment." I was given a glimpse of the interior of the cloud, and there saw a swirling presence of what looked like liquid fire. Perhaps it was the holiness of the Lord made manifest. I was told to instruct His people to get get down in repentance and in worship, so that the cloud would pass over them. All those standing up in pride and in rebellion would be impacted painfully by the cloud. Since receiving that vision, I have been praying for the mercy of God to accompany His judgment.
Judgment by God is His evaluation...a statement of His opinion of our actions, attitudes and intentions ... but it can also come as an act of mercy, so that total destruction can be avoided. In the light of His judgment, if we see our sin and turn from it...if we acknowledge that we are not gods, and stop acting like it, we can get His vision and blessing. I heard, among many other things, that the Lord is angered by the continual sin of abortion allowed, and even funded by our government in this land.
Also, most recently the focus of God's displeasure has been upon the steps being taken, and declarations being made concerning the power and the ability to clone a human being. It was one thing to clone the cells of animals. That in itself was an affront to the Creator God. However, to assert that we now have the power to create human life identical to create spare parts, so that we can live beyond the boundaries dictated by the Lord...this is something of a much higher arrogance.
And of course there is this issue of this nation's dealings with Israel. In so many ways, thankfully, the Bush administration has supported Israel. It was a blessing to have the USA withdraw from that horrendous United Nations Racism conference in South Africa a couple of weeks ago. To have agreed with that condemn and to label Israel as criminal and evil for being obedient to the mandates of the Lord, to possess His land ... would have been too awful to consider. However, time and time again, during the past twelve months of Intifada, the United States has demanded Israel to not retaliate against the death and destruction enacted by terrorists against the Jews.
Time and time again, the voice of the United States has been raised in criticism with the nations, against the pin point accurate preemptive strikes against terrorist leaders, by the Israeli special forces. As a result of careful actions, designed to protect the Israeli people, while yet holding the terrorists to account, without harming the innocent Palestinians, the Jews have been condemned as assassins. The lies of the Palestinian Authority, and the perpetual misrepresentation of facts by the media have been believed by many Americans...even by many of the government's leaders, and by the church. All the while, the Lord has been watching and listening.
Did the events of this past week contain a message of His opinion concerning our national sin? Was it a commentary, a judgment, and a warning, which He allowed through the evil actions of deceived terrorists? I believe so. As I was in prayer this past Tuesday, I heard in the Spirit, a very clear word from the Lord:
"The cup that Israel has been made to drink, I have given to the United States to drink, so that she might know of her sin and turn to Me."
The terrorism, which Israel has been made to endure ... while people in our nation were indifferent to it, judgmental and critical of her responses to that threat ... has now come to us to experience first hand. How interesting that some of the first responses of our leadership included considering retaliation militarily. It included hunting down and targeting those who have done this, as well as those who support, harbor and encourage such terrorists. It did not escape my notice that the US government has said that it will not be restrained in its pursuit of the organizations of terror.
What was the constant word from this nation's leadership to Israel, after each terror attack? Use RESTRAINT...DO NOT RETALIATE! How interesting that Israel was the first nation to declare a day of national mourning after our disaster. Israel understand all too well, the pain and the reality in America right now. Now the United States of America knows first hand the taste of the drink that Israel has been forced to swallow. As a proof text of His word to me, the Lord raised up Psalm 75:2-8.
From the Complete Jewish Bible: Ps 75, vs. 2-8
"At the time of My own choice, I will dispense justice fairly. When the earth quakes, with all living on it, it is I who holds its support pillars firm. To the boastful I say, "Do not boast!" and to the wicked, "Don't flaunt your strength!" Don't flaunt your strength so proudly; don't speak arrogantly, with your nose in the air! For you will not be raised to power by those in the east, the west or the desert; since God is the judge; and it is He who puts down one and lifts up another. In Adonai's hand there is a cup of wine, foaming, richly spiced; when He pours it out, all the wicked of the earth will drain it, drinking it to the dregs."
What this scripture shows me is that God wants us to know that it is not we, ourselves who have brought our nation to power and authority. If He does not uphold us, we cannot stand at all. He is just and fair, and He sees and knows all things. Rather than allow pride to prosper to the point where Satan's legal right to interfere with our lives becomes so great, the Lord in His love, sends us a message of our true reality. We are weak and vulnerable without Him. Rather than letting our arrogance grow concerning Israel's situation, He allowed us to share in the cup, so that we might grow in our understanding....and come out of our blind indifference, and away from the unholy pressure which we have placed upon her, to share her homeland with terrorists, set upon her destruction. Even as Israel, encompassed about by threat, has learned that she must have the hand of her God protecting her, so now has the USA. Everywhere are signs which read, "GOD BLESS AMERICA!"
He must bless us with His protecting hand at all times, or we will perish in an instant...possibly by an unsuspected source.
I believe that Satan has legally acquired so much ground in the souls of Americans, by sin and pride, that the Lord had to allow a brief experience of the consequences. He would not let us go too be deluded to long...before allowing a wake-up call to come. What will we do now with what we have seen and come to know about our great vulnerability? Will we try to beef up militarily and with intelligence technology, try to seal up our cracks of vulnerability? Will we acknowledge Him as our Rock and cry out in acknowledgment of our great need for Him? How will the Body respond? How will the institutional church interpret these days and realities?
None of likes to be evaluated and found wanting. We are fiercely self-protective, and self-justifying to avoid any humiliation from a negative evaluation by someone. We proclaim our goodness and our righteous deeds, as if that is enough to justify us,, and to negate any negative or hurtful claim against us. When God speaks a judgment concerning us, it is always best if we just simply agree with Him. He is always right...and He is always loving and merciful in correcting us. He is not like people who may reject us in condemnation and blame when they evaluate us. He is never in error of judgment. Lest anyone think that those who perished in the disasters this week, think again. Read Luke 13: 1-5, which the Lord showed to me this week, in response to questions raised about the victims.
"Just then, some people came to tell Yeshua (Jesus) about the men from the Galil (Galilee), whom Pilate had slaughtered just as they were slaughtering animals for sacrifice. His answer to them was, "Do you think that just because they died so horribly, these folks from the Galil were worse sinners than all the others from the Galil? No, I tell you. Rather, unless you turn to God from your sins, you will all die as they did! Or what about those eighteen people who died when the tower at Shiloach fell on them? Do you think they were worse offenders than all the other people living in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)? No, I tell you. Rather, unless you turn from your sins, you will all die similarly."
We are all in this together. We grieve together. We repent together. We intercede together. We rebuild together. We must not focus on people, but upon the Lord. We must not forget for a minute who the enemy really is, and Who the Savior is. We are His remnant, and this will be His finest hour through us.
Indications are that there will be more terror attacks in the days, weeks, and months ahead. We may possibly be entering into the days of violence which will bring the anti-Messiah to the forefront. Rather than filling our hearts with fainting and fear, that approaching reality should bring a certain excitement to our hearts. The Messiah is returning. His word is being fulfilled. He is with us, and has already given us the victory and the privilege to walk it out. These days are precious. The time is short.
Those who quote the astrologer and practitioner of black arts, Nostradamus, as an authoritative prophet, are reporting that he has accurately called the events of Sept. 11th. He is also calling for this to trigger the third world war. He is not of the Lord, and he is in no way authoritative of the days ahead. Our God may have let the Enemy fulfill what unholy spirits whispered to Nostradamus years ago. However, be clear that many of this man's "prophesies" have been in error. The God of Israel alone will bring about the end of days, and will be in control of the third world war, should it come. These days, of, which the word of God has foretold will be filled with the exploits of the people of God, displaying His glory, and with His Spirit through them, leading many to the Messiah. We need to rise out of our slumber and restful posture of observing the days. Engage! We must use the weapons the Lord has placed in our hands. Spiritually speaking there has been a demolition of a structure... a structure of idolatry, pride, invulnerability, and self-suffiency in this nation. Now perhaps we can join our God in raising up a new structure in its place... a Tabernacle of praise to His name.... a household of faith, holiness and salvation.
--Remember that the Deceiver is our enemy. It is deception that drives Islamic fundamentalists to terrorism. It is deception that blinds Americans (and the church in particular) to the role and significance of Israel. It is deception that suggests that this nation is self-sufficient and in need of no one...including God. It is deception which convinces us that we have not offended God, and therefore not in need of repentance....nor that we are facing the judgment of God. Therefore, pray for a release of revelation of truth across this country. Pray hard that it come to President Bush and all those making decisions about this nation. Pour down revelation of God's truth into the Body of Messiah.
---Pride is that spirit which leads people and nations to a downfall. Therefore pray the spirit of Humility across this nation. In the midst of that humility release Repentance.
---Fear loves to feed off of pain, loss and horror. Pray against the spirit of Fear, and release Faith in the God of Israel. Release the perfect love of the Messiah, which casts out all fear. Fear also opens the door to Suspicion, Blaming and Hatred. These are the foundational spirits of Racism. Pray against each of these unholy spirits, lest we have a massive outbreak of anti-Arab and anti-Israel attacks by Americans against our own citizens. Satan is trying to induce chaos at a much higher level, than a six story pile of rubble. Release the order and peace of the Lord.
---Pray for a holy grieving across this nation, so that Satan doesn't introduce Hopelessness and Despair ... which is his goal if people would sink into unholy grieving. Pray comfort of the Lord upon all those who have lost loved ones. Pray healing upon the injured in body, soul and in spirit. Pray Strength and Discernment and Protection upon those who sort through the rubble and sort out the facts, as well as the material remains.
--- Pray a Watchfulness and Wisdom upon those in charge of security positions in any location and in any agency. Pray against Paranoia and Dread...also against Assumption and Illusion. Pray against Bitterness and Over-reaction.
---Pray against the spirit of Revenge, and release the Spirit of God into the minds of those who will formulate the response of retaliation. We do not want to answer evil with evil, nor do we want to ignore evil, and give it opportunity to prosper. It has come to light that no response was given by the Clinton administration, when Bin Laden was shown to have engineered the attack on the USS Cole. He could have likely been captured at that time, but the plans to make the attack were refused by the President. That is a lesson that we need to see and learn well. It is not mentioned to bring condemnation, but to show that the Lord provides us with opportunity to drive back evil. When we delay, or lay aside the opportunity to satisfy other desires, the cancer will grow to where it can become deadly.
There is so much more to be prayed and said. However, I will close at this point.
In the Messiah's love,
September 14, 2001
Kathleen D. Mitchell
In The Cleft Of The Rock Ministries, International
P.O. Box 498548 Cincinnati, OH
(513) 398-2006
Cindy Jacobs - A Warning to America
Friday, July 27, 2001
"For the Lord would say, 'I have brought you here at a pivotal hinge of history, and I would say to you, My people in the United States do not realize how much they need mercy. For even this nation stands upon a precipice,' says the Lord, 'and there is a time that I will either give this nation wings like eagles or they will plummet. For there is judgment at the gate that you do not even fully realize. For there is only so long that I, the God of justice, can wink at injustice. And I would say, you must fill the cup of justice and empty the injustice. For this is a season where there is a divine trade going on in the heavens - justice for injustice. Do not think that I will allow the economy of this nation to remain as it is if My people do not understand that there must be liberty for those whom there is no liberty. And I would say to you , you do not know how to cry out because My people do not know and feel the brunt of it until many times it is almost too late. But I have called you here tonight to begin to fill the cup of mercy and the cup of justice.' And the Lord says, 'Over the next 30 days there is a deciding moment... a moment of decision as to what I will do with this nation,' says the Lord. 'Do not take lightly what I have brought you here to do. Cry out not only for yourselves, but for you children and grandchildren. Cry out! For you have not seen in this generation a great depression,' says the Lord, 'you do not know what it is like to find work and not to be able to feed your children, but I say to you,' says the Lord, 'you are at a pivotal time in history where either there will be great revival in this nation or a great depression, 'says the Lord."
Lincoln's Prayer Proclamation
On March 30, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued an historic Proclamation Appointing a National Day of Prayer & Fasting:
Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the supreme authority and just government of the Almighty God in all the affairs of men and of nations has by a resolution requested the president to designate and set apart a day for national prayer and humiliation.
And whereas, it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God: to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon: and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord:
And insomuch as we know that by His divine law nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which now desolates the land may be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole people? We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown; but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious land, which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us:
It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness. All this being done in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the divine teachings, that the united cry of the nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings no less than the pardon of our national sins, and the restoration of our now divided and suffering country to its former happy condition of unity and peace.
Abraham Lincoln
Prophetic Links:Could September 18, 2001 be the Rapture or the Start of the Tribulation - Part 1?
Could September 18, 2001 be the Rapture or the Start of the Tribulation - Part 2?
Could September 18, 2001 be the Rapture or the Start of the Tribulation - Part 3?
Could September 18, 2001 be the Rapture or the Start of the Tribulation - Part 4?
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``Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man'' (Luke 21:36).
``Prophecy and Current Events" is published by: ``To His Glory Ministries"
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