Behold, I set thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)
By: Vince Aquilino -- To His Glory Ministries, 11/04/2002
Report on Alaska 7.9 earthquake and prophetic analysis:
On Sunday at 1:13 p.m. Alaska Standard Time one of the most violent earthquakes ever to hit the United States slammed a remote area of Alaska's interior, delivering a jolt so strong that it created waves on lakes and ponds around the continent. The magnitude 7.9 quake was one of the strongest ever recorded in the United States.
Miraculously it hit a remote area between two largely populated cities, only one minor injury was reported. This speaks of a signature judgement of God a call for repentance. Could it be a harbinger of a more violent quake in the near future?
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The earthquake was so strong that Its effects were strongly felt in Anchorage about 270 miles to the south. It lasted at least 30 seconds. "It shook so bad you could not stand up on the front porch," said Jay Capps, a grocery store owner between Tok and Glennallen in the southeastern part of the state. "It sounded like the trees were breaking roots under the ground." Since it hit a remote area between two largely populated cities, only one minor injury was reported. But, the quake did considerable damage to Alaska's infrastructure. The temblor opened 6-foot (1.8-meter) cracks in highways and roads, shook homes and damaged supports to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Officials manually shut down the pipeline after the quake, and it was still out of service Monday. The oil flow can be manually stopped for maintenance or other reasons without affecting oil deliveries.
The quake created a ripple effect thousands of miles away from the bayous of Louisiana to lakes in the Seattle area. And in the New Orleans area more than 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometers) away residents saw water slosh about as a result of the quake's awesome power. In Mandeville, Louisiana, Carol Barcia, 47, saw boats bounce around from the deck of her house. "One poor guy across the canal from us fell off his sailboat," she said. On Seattle's Lake Union, more than 1,400 miles (2,250 kilometers) south, waves shook some houseboats loose from their moorings and slammed them into docks. At least one boat sustained thousands of dollars in damage. Experts say such an effect is common during powerful quakes. "This earthquake was shallow and the energy went directly into the surface and that is what causes these effects so far away," said Dale Grant, a geophysicist with U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado.
Grant said he also received calls from nuclear power facilities in various states, including Minnesota and Washington, that reported unusual water movement. Bruce Turner of the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said the earthquake did not generate a tsunami since it was so far inland. But, numerous roads developed wide cracks, including the Alaska Highway near Northway, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) southeast of Fairbanks. The Richardson Highway, which parallels the pipeline between Valdez and Fairbanks, was closed near Paxson after gaps opened that were 2-to-6 feet (up to 2 meters) wide and as much as 5 feet (1.5 meters) deep, Wilkinson said. About 20 miles (32 kilometers) north, the ground on one side of the highway had dropped more than 2 feet.
The worst reports of damage were along a two-mile stretch of the Tok Cutoff, where numerous rock slides and hundreds of yards of 6-foot openings in the road could be seen. Earthquakes above magnitude 7 are considered major capable of widespread, heavy damage. In 1964, the "Good Friday" earthquake left 131 people dead in Alaska. Current measurements put that quake's magnitude at 9.2, a record US quake.
Timothy Snodgrass Prophetic Insight and his ministry status:
Note: - Timing on these predictions is difficult as God will change his mind in response to national repentance. Any dates that Timothy included should be considered as showing the lateness of the hour and not cast-in-concrete dates. Consider Nineveh. The prophet told them they had 40 days before destruction. It was not conditional. They had 40 days left and yet, in response to national repentance, God changed his mind and stayed his hand for about an additional 100 years. It is your job and mine to pray that this predicted event WILL NOT HAPPEN and to repent personally as well as corporately.=================================================================
At the beginning of 2002, many of our prophetic reports began to deal with the topic of approaching earth changes, which would be begin with a great earthquake during the latter half of 2002 (9.0 or greater), and increase with a series of other large quakes and volcanic eruptions throughout the year 2003. The 9.0+ quake which we referred to which has been delayed several times since the Twin Polynesian Quakes on August 19, 2002 is now drawing nearer than most realize. During September, 2002, the quake was delayed after 2 large earthquakes in China and India effectively offset the event by releasing tectonic pressure under the earth (we refer to these 2 quakes both measuring 6.5 on the Richter Scale, and occurring within 24-hours of each other as the 'Twin India-China Quakes', which we had prophesied about in April, 2002 [web site]).
During the first week of October, this 9.0+ quake was once again delayed, after the U.S. Congress passed a bill recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Immediately after the bill was passed, flaming lights were witnessed over the West Coast of America, seen on several occasions during the first week of October (reported by CNN and various other news media). We had prophesied about these angelic lights in previous reports as being directly related to the 9.0+ quake. Now the big question many are asking is: Since the big quake was delayed during September and October, can it also be delayed beyond November and December, into the year 2003? The answer to this question was released through a vision on October 31, 2002: No. The quake cannot be delayed beyond the end of 2002. On October 31, 2002, I was taken in the Spirit into the future, and witnessed the Hand of the Lord move across a report issued by the USGS. On the report, I saw a 10.0+ quake listed. As the Hand of the Lord moved across the report, the 10.0+ figure vanished, and was replaced by a large 7.0+ quake, which was quickly followed by a 9.0+ quake on the same page of the USGS report. Interpretation: Sometime this year, a large 7.0+ quake will occur, which will be quickly followed by a 9.0+ quake (within days or weeks, clearly less than a month). The Lord is moving in his mercy to lessen the magnitude of the quake, but the magnitude cannot be brought under 9.0. Within two days of this vision, a 7.5 earthquake occurred in Indonesia on November 2, followed within 24-hours by a 7.9 quake in Alaska on November 3. Was the Alaska quake the 7.0+ quake which we were warned would precede the 9.0+ quake? Although this is highly probable, it is not necessarily the case. The Holy Spirit may have been referring to another 7.0+ quake.
However, because of the timing of this quake in relation to the vision, I would highly recommend that Alaska and the U.S. West Coast go on high alert status. Also, considering the 7.5 in Indonesia which occurred on November 2, I would recommend that the entire Pacific region go on high tsunami-alert (just in case this 9.0 quake occurs somewhere else along the Pacific Rim). The fact of the matter is, we still do not know exactly where this 9.0+ quake is going to occur. Although the most likely epicenter is somewhere along the U.S. West Coast, I believe that angelic authorities were given the "legal right" to intervene and deflect this quake from America when the U.S. Congress voted in October to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. However, on October 16, 2002, the balance may have once again shifted when Sharon was presented with the "Roadmap for Peace" in Washington (which called for Israel to give up covenant land which was promised to her by God, and restored to her as a fulfillment of prophecy during the 1967 war). The date which this meeting took place in Washington between President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon is extremely important: October 16, 2002.
On this date three years ago, a 7.4 earthquake took place in Southern California (an earthquake which our ministry had forewarned California about). As a matter of fact, I arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport from the Philippines only seven hours before the quake took place in Joshua Tree, California. Our ministry had announced 2-months prior that I would be arriving on that date to intercede with other pastors and leaders, specifically, that the magnitude of the quake would be lessened. Looking back at this powerful earthquake (which jolted me out of bed at 3:00am), the particular date of this quake and the date of the meeting between Bush and Sharon cannot be an accident. On October 16, 2002, finality was reached in this matter. The big question now is, "Did October's Congressional bill on Jerusalem have enough weight to tip the balance towards grace"? We cannot judge what went on behind the scenes in the White House on October 16, 2002, and to date no final peace accord has been signed by Israel. The good news is, God is intervening, and the quake should not exceed the 9-point realm (9.9 at the highest). Although this might not sound like grace, believe me, a 10.0+ quake could be globally devastating.
Although we will probably see some tsunami with this coming 9.0+ quake, the size will be limited. The bottom line is, we are living in the last days described by Jesus in Matthew chapter 24, and some things cannot be avoided; wars and rumors of wars, quakes and the "roaring of the sea" which will make "men's hearts fail", signs in the heavens and the earth; all of these things must come to pass, for we are now living in the twilight hours of history, as we draw nearer to the coming of the Son of Man.
Haggai Fast Update During our recent Haggai Fast, one of the directives the Holy Spirit spoke to us was to "feed the hungry, clothe the poor, heal the sick". The transfer of the wealth of the wicked into the hands of the righteous is not to buy bigger homes and better cars, but to serve the needs of humanity. Here in the Philippines, we have more street children than any other nation in the world. In October, our ministry began reaching out to the street children and the homeless. Every afternoon, you can see a long line of children many with their legs and bodies horribly scared from insect bites from sleeping on the streets waiting in line for a bowl of soup and some bread. The Philippine people have been so generous towards this project; stores and markets have given food, businesses have given shoes and clothing. I would like to encourage you to begin moving where Gods heart is moving. Do not wait for an earthquake or crisis before you began serving the needs of humanity. Do it now, and God will bless you and open the storehouses of heaven as you follow his directives.
"Your Friends Have Left You" According to Matthew 24:10, one of the signs of the "End of the Age" is betrayal by family and friends, distress, and increase of persecution. Have you been betrayed by someone recently, or has someone 'left you'? Love them, pray for them, forgive them; fear not, for great is your reward in heaven.
Misc. Ministry Needs, Prayer Requests 1) We have need of hot water at our home/ministry base here in the Philippines. For about 2-years, we have been without hot water, but are praying for a breakthrough with a hot-water heater (approximate costs: $350 for the water-heater and pipe installation). 2) Until we receive our new glorified bodies in heaven, we have need of vehicles to get around with. Pray for my mom in Oregon, her car broke down again. She is really the lifeline to this ministry. Every Friday, she drives 2 1/2 hours over the mountains to make our ministry deposit in John Day, Oregon. She has been such a faithful servant to us in the Philippines. Pray that God would honor her with a new vehicle. 3) Pray for wisdom for our family in finances. This Friday, the amount of funds that came to the ministry via our U.S. postal address this week ending November 1 was: $0. The amount of funds which came electronically through the web site was: $0. (Our web site normally operates at about $50 to $100 loss per month, with an average of 1 to 3 donations, received from an audience of roughly 1,000 web-viewers per day). We keep the site running at a small loss as a non-profit service, to help keep our friends informed of what's happening around the world from a prophetic perspective.
South Africa Update Our family still intends to relocate our ministry base to South Africa. Since 9-11 financial support has dropped dramatically. (Many ministries have been struggling since 9-11.) In 14-months, we have been unable to raise the $7,000 needed for the move. (Currently, we have received $397 in gifts designated specifically for South Africa.)
My return to the United States has been delayed. I would prefer to stay here in the Philippines with my family through Christmas, and then return to the U.S. sometime in January or February, 2003. Winter is my favorite season in the Philippines (cooler), and it is rare that I have a chance to spend Christmas with my family; so I have put this as a special request before God.
Must close this report now, so that before I post it on our web site I can be fax to my mom in Oregon (she needs it before before 6:00am Pacific Standard Time). After she receives it, she will format it on her computer, print it, fold the newsletters and stuff them in the envelopes, stamp them, and them take them to the little post office in Kimberly, Oregon. (If I remember correctly, Kimberly has a population of about 23. There is no bank there, just a small post office, a few farms and some cows, whom my mom prays with every morning.) What a wonderful secretary, who will do so much work without a paycheck! Please keep my mom in prayer. Blessings,
Timothy Snodgrass
Timothy Snodgrass P.O. Box 463, Kimberly, Oregon 97848 USA
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