Behold, I set thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)
We have a popular little book that is storming the Christian countryside, espousing an Old Testament prayer petitioning God to increase one's boundaries and bring blessings so that one can share in God's glory.
That book is the "Prayer of Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson. It has been an enormous commercial success. I don't believe there has been a book in history that has sold as many copies as quickly. As of a few weeks ago, it had sold four million copies, and The New York Times said a majority of those sales have been in the last 90 days. With this speed of sales this book could hit the 10 to 20 million sales level by the end of this year or early next year.
It is on the top of the following lists:
Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10-KJV) And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
Unfortunately, this book is one indicator of the condition of the church today; it reflects the desire for many to share in His glory, just like Adam and Eve did 6,000 years ago. Can it be said that today, we don't want to submit to God; we want to be God?
How many copies would a book on dying-to-self, repentance, brokenness, submission, obedience, and receiving, sell in today's market? It would be very fortunate to hit 100,000.
The danger has become that "The Prayer of Jabez" has caused Christians to become focused on the expansion of their territory, becoming "more significant for God" as the author calls it. The result-most certainly unintended but an emerging reality-makes the person the focal point and not Jesus Christ.
My good friend and mentor, Herschel Sanders, stated that our Christian walk has to do with "death to self" and not territory expansion. If the Lord wants to expand our boundaries, it will come through our "death to self." Our "death" will put us into a position to receive from Him out of our obedience and submission to Him.
He also said that a "dead man" can't say something that is self-serving.
If we are fully yielding to Him, do we also have to remind the Lord each day to enlarge our territory?
Many also have adopted an attitude that God is not getting His way, so He has called us out to get it for Him! You know, God did not ask us to be spiritual, but to be available to Him and full of the Spirit.
Herschel also reminds us that the Lord doesn't share glory, and when we are asking for territory enlargement, it is the same as asking the Lord if we can share the glory with Him.
The root of the "Jabez" thinking has to do with our becoming "more significant." It fits perfectly in our modern church that is so busy and caught up in doing works for self or for others that we don't experience Jesus Christ in our lives, in our homes, or in our fellowship.
Herschel explains that the Old Testament law stirs up sin in our lives, and we begin performing and striving. If we have the "old" without the "new," he says. then we have lost the power of the Gospel. We must remember that God's revelation brings us to consecration.
The reality, my friends, is that the flesh is always warring against the Spirit, and if we aren't adequately rooted in our faith, we can make wrong decisions and jump on false teachings. Even denominations are competitive by nature and want more than what another has, including one's territory, while individuals seek positions in church, in our families and in our communities.
The power of Jesus is when He dwells in us. "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." (Colossians 3:3).
The anointing comes when it is His revelation in us, when people see the Godly character, when they hear His truth spoken by us. Then we start looking and acting more like Jesus, and then, it is not us with whom they fall in love, but the Jesus in us!
Many have lost sight of the true Cross, and they have lost power through their performance. Today, the "angel of light" is hiding in the prosperity message and the boundary expansion message. Too many people are living by the theme, "It is my kingdom, and my will be done."
Church, how did we ever reach a point where we have become gods of our own life?
We ask, "God, can we control?" With this attitude, however, there is no access to a supernatural God. The enemy will give us territory and see that things work out for a few, which in turn deceives the rest into believing his lies.
Satan told Jesus Christ, "Bow down and worship me, and I'll give you the kingdoms of the world."
By not pulling The Prayer of Jabez through the Cross, we expand our errors. Praying for self brings us through selfishness!
Whose spirit, whose glory, whose life are we walking in? That is the true test!
In my humble opinion, the Jabez Prayer needs to be replaced with the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), because it is not about "My will be done" it is about "His (thy) will be done." The real walk comes from knowing the Lord in a deep and intimate way.
As a reminder, our performance and striving were nailed to the Cross (Colossians 2:14-NKJV). along with the "I.O.U." of sin for all who trust in Jesus. He has forgiven all our sins and canceled the code of regulations that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has cleared all our debt, having nailed it to the cross.
The Apostle Paul declares (Galatians 2: 21-NKJV, "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain."
Then he states (Galatians 3:10-14-NKJV), "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, `Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.' But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for `the just shall live by faith.' Yet the law is not of faith, but `the man who does them shall live by them.' Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, `Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree,' that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ."
A majority of the Church is living under the "curse" because they are operating by works and/or partaking in the "naming it and claiming it" mantra of today. Now we have a book that makes boundary expansion acceptable, and we have a public desiring of being somebody and buying a book on an Old Testament Prayer that is selling in the millions. The author is even calling for churches to come together now in communities to start calling out the Jabez Prayer daily.
I heard a well-known Christian television personality proclaim last month, "I love 'The Prayer of Jabez' book; my only regret is I didn't write it."
A large North Dallas church is now lifting up the Prayer of Jabez for three new buildings. (This news reminds me of the saying that if the Holy Spirit were taken out of the church today, 90 percent of the programs would still be in place.)
And a national televangelist is using a new "boundary book" to help with the fund raising efforts due to a recent disappointing fundraising shortfall which led to the laying off of staff. The fund raising mailer stated:
"Discover Solomon's secret in the [televangelist's] teaching, titled Beyond Boundaries. These inspiring messages remind us that when God grants us a request, He wants us to ask big."
Following that is a fund-raising appeal... "We expect big results, which is why your support is so crucial! With your help, you and I will see a revival unlike anything the world has ever seen."
Additionally, in the last month, I have had the book given to me by three different people and had many others mention it to me. One day, while attending a function, a lady attempted to have me promise her, before she would let me leave her presence, that I would say the Jabez Prayer daily.
Can you envision Jesus Christ reciting the Prayer of Jabez each day?
Shouldn't the Church know better?
When we are ready to fully yield to Him by "dying to self" in humility, He promises us to bring forth His glory by giving to us generously. Then there will be no doubts of who the Source is and who should receive the credit. It is not about us; it is all About Him!
Another problem is that a majority of the Church has lost the fear of the Lord, and many have also placed God in a box. Additionally, we have lost His power through our performance efforts. And times have been so good, in a material sense, that we have lost our compass to Him.
In addition, many have become so confused by the prosperity message, the "name it, claim it, and possess it" camp that appeals to the flesh, that we have lost the ability to discern right from wrong. Unfortunately, many pastors have bought into the falsehood. It seems the church is always learning, but not
coming to the knowledge of the truth in Him. So many Christians are wrapped up in books, classes, studies, conferences, and retreats, but few are experiencing Him intimately in their daily lives.
The enemy loves this deception and has certainly not stopped the windfalls. They play right into his scheme. He will gladly allow a few to share in the glory, adoration and praise, knowing that many others will follow them and their testimonies.
However, the Lord deals with it in His perfect timing. It is similar to the pastor who falls from grace when the Lord says, "enough is enough" and allows him to fall to his sin. This can happen to the misled, too! Maybe very soon, because the numbers of people being deceived is growing so fast that judgment is bound to be imminent.
There is an enormous amount of housecleaning (repentance) for the church to experience. If millions of people can be so easily misled by one Old Testament prayer, then judgment can not be that far off, because there is a mockery being made of the Cross and the reason for Christ's death and the shedding of His precious blood.
What kind of prayer will be said when a harsh judgment falls on our nation and sends the church to its knees? It won't be about boundary expansion. It will be prayers of repentance and sorrow for having been so easily mislead by the many words that have "tickled our ears" and made us feel important.
Friends, we are not God, and we are not called to share His glory! So let's immerse ourselves in God's Word and not be deceived.
The church in the United States has lost its direction and is being led astray by many false teachings. It is not the "spotless lamb" the Lord wants it to be, but has become an embarrassment to Him.
My goodness, how so many of us are drawn to empty activity and works, rather than intimacy with Him.
I know that there will be some who won't be comfortable with what has been said here, but that is something you will have to take up with our Father in Heaven. My prayer is that He will show you what is right. He certainly has me!
My friends, the true test of the power behind all teaching today is, "does it glorify Him?" If the work doesn't amplify Jesus, and if it amplifies man, it is of and from the flesh.
Our walk as Christians has to do with our being "dead to self" and becoming humble by our nothingness. We are called to be open vessels through which God can pour His glory.
My mentor Herschel told me, "Our territory will be as large as our submission to his resurrected life within. The cross defeated the evil one; we (under the new covenant) are to apply the victory He won and placed within us."
We hear about revival daily in our nation, but the only chance of "true revival" begins with judgment, then repentance, then revival and then a new awakening. There will not be a "feel good" revival. This will be a revival from the inside out. Our pride must go! We must die! And it will be painful as our flesh dies!
Friends, rather than being concerned about territory expansion and taking back our government, schools, and businesses, we should be focusing on our obedience to Him by "dying to self daily." Then the Lord can do His work in and through us to His glory!
Most importantly, let us not forget that all glory goes to the one who is on the throne, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).
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References: World Magazine, April 13, 1996 "Massacre of the Innocents" Please order this video from Reel to Reel Ministries, 5124 W. 14th Street, Arlington, VA 22205 -- highly recommended Don Stegner's Maranatha Web Site at
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05/02/2001 - Ezekiel 38, Abortion, and Judgement on America - Part 1
05/07/2001 - Ezekiel 38, Abortion, and Judgement on America - Part 2
Spirit-Led Prayer - Part 1
A Prayer for America
What in Heaven is Happening to America - Part 1
What in Heaven is Happening to America - Part 2
What in Heaven is Happening to America - Part 3
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