Prophecy and Current Events

Prophetic News Update 11/10/97

The Persecution of American Christians?

How Close are We?

This initial report was updated on 6/17/1999

News Sources: USA Today, 11/10/1997
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 11/9/1997
USA Today, 11/7/1997

Update 6/17/1999:

From: Intercessors for America:
JUNE 16, 1999


PRESIDENT CLINTON PROCLAIMS JUNE TO BE "GAY AND LESBIAN PRIDE MONTH" - Signed on June 11, 1999, President Clinton's Proclamation recorded that the "Stonewall Inn" in New York City has been added to the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places. The Stonewall Inn was the site of resistance by homosexuals 30 years ago which became known as the "Stonewall Uprising" and is cited in the President's proclamation as being "the birth of the modern gay and lesbian civil rights movement." President Clinton again stated his belief that "America's diversity is our greatest strength." He stated that as a result of his Executive Order amending the Federal equal employment opportunity policy last year, and other administration policies, "gay and lesbian Americans serve openly and proudly throughout the Federal Government." He recommitted himself to passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and his intention to "change the hearts and minds" of the nation's children through a new partnership between the Departments of Education and Justice designed to "reach out to students and teach them that our diversity is a gift."

Orig. Report:

Last spring Ellen DeGeneres revealed she was a lesbian. The "coming-out" episode became the highest-rated regular program on ABC for the entire season. Al Gore recently praised Ellen last week, saying it had forced Americans "to look at sexual orientation in a more open light." The Christian Coalition immediately responded by saying Gore was "way out of the mainstream."

Meanwhile, Clinton, in what was called an historic event, attended the 1997 Human Rights Campaign national dinner on November 8, 1997. The event featured Ellen DeGeneres and was the first time a sitting president addressed a gay and lesbian group.

Clintons support for the gay agenda is widely known. He has a large number of homosexuals in key White House posts and recently appointed the first openly gay U.S. ambassador in history; philanthropist James Hormel (but was not confirmed on Thursday).

What is disturbing to many is his attempt to force acceptance of this "lifestyle"; which many find morally offensive and to which the Bible refers to as "abomination." It should be emphasized that God loves all people, regardless of "sexual orientation", but hates all sin. In fact, God loves his creation so much that He has given each of us the gift of free will so that we can freely chose to love Him.

But with that gift also comes the choice to live acceptable and righteous lives before God, according to His commands, or to sin against a Holy and Righteous God who cannot even look on sin. As with all actions in life, there are consequences. We can choose to love God and keep His commandments not to sin, and go to be with Him in heaven when we die, or we can choose to willfully disobey His commandments and choose not to be with Him when we die. The choice, however, is ours.

But make no mistake about it, the Bible is clear, you cannot have it both ways -- if you are a child of God, you will not sin.

In fact the test that we truly love God, is that we will keep His commands. If we do not keep His commands, then we demonstate that we really do not love Him.

A good definition of sin is that it is a willful transgression against the known will of God and His will is very clear on sin, all sin, not just homosexual sins: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor 6:9-10.

So God warns that if we keep sinning, we will forfeit the opportunity to be with Him in heaven. In fact, many will find themselves in a place of torment (separate from God) because they chose to ignore a Holy and Righteous God who only wanted to love them and fulfill their inner most desires.

It is an act of love, not a hate crime, to point out to someone that their sin (not just homosexual sin) is going to get them into trouble not just on earth (AIDS), but that if it continues into death that they will be eternally separated from God in a place of eternal torment called hell.

However those who love God, who have a righteous anger for sin (because of what it does to a person), who follow His dictates to love each other and to turn each other from sin, are a thorn in the side of this present administration in Washington.

The actions that will be promulgated by this President to force acceptance of the gay agenda may be forthcoming from his White House conference on hate crimes to be held on Monday, November 10, 1997. The event will focus on groups that target gays as well as those that attack minorities.

It seems to this writer that it will not be much longer before Chistians who stand up for their religious beliefs will be guilty of hate crimes and churches who fail to abide by government rules on mandated hiring of homosexuals will be shut down; or at the very least lose their tax-exempt stand.

Clinton today is expected to announce significantly expanded federal efforts to prosecute hate crimes nationwide. He is also expected to support legislation, being introduced by Sens. Kennedy and Spencer, that will extend federal civil rights protection to include gender, sexual orientation and the disabled.

To give teeth to his plans, Janet Reno is also expected to announce a doubling of the number of FBI agents and prosecutors who are working on hate crimes and to establish local working groups throughout the country to coordinate hate crime education and enforcement.

If Clinton is successful, we may well be on the verge of seeing the persecution of Christians in this country and a separation of the true Christian from the false. When the heat is turned up, will you continue take a stand for God and His righteousness? Your eternal destiny may well depend on it.

God help us all.

Prophetic Links:

What in Heaven is Happening to America - Part 1"

What in Heaven is Happening to America - Part 2"

What in Heaven is Happening to America - Part 3"

The Snorting of Nebuchadnezar's Horses"

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