Bobby Conner: "Preparing For The Coming Move Of God"
This season will be a time of advancement and acceleration with shocking swiftness. The shift has already begun and you can feel the change in the air. It is surely not business as usual.
The Spirit of God will set things in order, releasing authority. There has come a "fullness of time" moment in the realm of the Spirit. Heaven is declaring, "No hesitation!" It is time for "advancement." Heaven's hosts stand ready to move, aiding all who seek to establish the King in His Kingdom. The Spirit of God is, at this point in time, restoring a divine statement to the Body of Christ. This statement has been used in our day in a most casual manner; however, what is coming will correct this error. The statement is, Thus saith the Lord!
The Lord is revealing more about the throne of God and the God of the throne during this period of time. Now is the time to eat the hidden manna of Revelation 2:17 The eyes of the Lord have been searching for a people with a pure heart and upright motives in order to show Himself strong on their behalf. (2 Chronicles 16:9) It is time for bold believers to volunteer. These instructions are found in Psalms 110:3 - "In the day of Gods power, His troops will volunteer willingly."
The Spirit of the Lord is calling for the army of the Lord to arise--to take hold of the Kingdom, knowing that greater is He that resides within us than he that is in the world.(1 John 4:4) This is not a time to be weak and timid but rather a time to be strong in the power and might of the Lord.
Heaven, as well as hell, is posing the exact same question to Christians. The question is, Who do you think you are?The Spirit of Truth will release clear understanding of who we are in Christ and Who Christ is in us. What will be accomplished will not happen by our might or by our human zeal but only by the power of Gods Spirit. "This is the word of the LORD saying, 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)
Overcoming Witchcraft
God will release power to overcome the witchcraft of Galatians 3:1-3. We must overcome the impulse to attempt to finish in the flesh what God has begun in the Spirit. This is a great offence to God--our attempting to substitute human zeal for heavens anointing.
Coming Breakthroughs
The Body of Christ will experience awesome breakthroughs in many different areas such as music and the arts. Soul winning will become a major heartbeat of the Church. Battles will increase but with awesome victories. The Church will enjoy unity and restoration, resulting in displays of grace and power. We will see Psalms 133:1-3 come to pass as brethren dwell together in unity. This powerful new unity will give us confidence to expect more from the Lord.
The Spirit of the Lord will fully support those with right motives and strengthen all that they are doing. If we become truly accountable, we can then be trusted with more true authority. Christ Jesus will find faithful stewards, who will be entrusted with more. These stewards will walk in integrity, pursuing peace and purity.
The Lord spoke to me, "If I can find a people without mixture, I will pour out My power without measure." There will emerge a group of "overcomers" walking in true Kingdom power. (See Revelation 3:20-22) We must be contenders and defenders of the faith (see Jude 1: 2-3) to avoid seeing the acts of the apostate rather than the Acts of the Apostles.
In a vivid prophetic experience, the Spirit of the Lord spoke these encouraging words to me:
Accept No Imitations!
Expect No Limitations!
Embrace Infinite Possibilities!
As we aspire to make these three areas a living reality in our lives, God will launch the Church into a much higher level of faith and power. So what does this mean?
Accept No Imitations
The words artificial, counterfeit and synthetic, help us to grasp a better understanding of the word imitation. I once asked the president of a leading bank, "How do you detect a counterfeitbill?" He replied, by having someone that is accustomed to handling the real touch it."
This is why the body of Christ must have true intimacy with Jesus. We must become so accustomed to His voice that we are not moved by the enticing voices of strangers. (See John 10:3-5) Why? Because we cannot continue to spend our lives for that which is worthless wood, hay and stubble.
The Emerging Zadok Priesthood
Recently I observed the sky as rain clouds began to form. I could see them approaching--moving swiftly across the sky. I could hear the rumble of thunder as they began to release the much needed rain. It seemed the drops were some of the largest I had ever seen. The sound of the heavy rain pounding upon the earth was extremely loud. However, the sound of the falling rain seemed to be releasing a harmony or pulse beat like that of a huge heartbeat.
The Lord said, It is the rain of anointed teaching I am releasing through the emerging Zadok priesthood." These anointed priests will begin to authenticate that which is holy, and divulge that which is profane, by imparting rather than informing. (See Ezekiel 44:23)
The goal of the Spirit of Truth--to establish each one of us in truth--is our only method of sanctification. It is time to take a stand for righteousness and holiness. Grace is not a license to live loosely. Have you drifted far from the calling to stand for truth and righteousness in order to appear politically correct? Let those who would be vessels of honor return to true holiness of heart. This will allow us to be sanctified in truth and be presentable to the Lord as consecrated vessels. In order for true freedom to reign, we must teach the truth--the difference between the holy and the profane, and the difference between the clean and the unclean.
What is the difference between the profane and the holy? In a strong prophetic experience, the Lord spoke to me revealing His definition of profaneas anything man is doing that He did not initiate. Remember the words of Christ Jesus when He said, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you...He spoke these words to those who had been immersed in religious activity without truly trusting Christ. (See Matthew 13:27) Christ Jesus commanded, "Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth." (John 17:1)
Believers must lead upright lives characterized by genuine, authentic lifestyles of faith. The walk must match the talk if we are to carry a message that will legitimately change lives. The fundamental purpose of the Zadok priesthood was to minister unto the Lord as described in Ezekiel 44. As a reward for their faithfulness, they were allowed to draw closer to God. (See Ezekiel 44:15-16)
The Blessing of Correction
Many Christians feel a sense of disorientation at this time as a result of spending a season upon the "Potters" wheel. We are in a time of transition which will produce transformation. The Potters hand is molding the clay. Our responsibility is to remain yielded upon the Masters wheel. If you try to mold yourself, you will become dry and brittle and ultimately broken and remolded. Stay moist and surrendered.
Emerging leaders, and their ministries, are enduring seasons of sifting and pruning. The refiners fire is forging their character to carry this unique anointing so that the anointing will not be lost, nor the vessels damaged or destroyed for lack of character. They will be the leaders and counselors who will not judge by what their eyes see or what their ears hear, but in true righteousness they will make decisions resulting in equity and justice. It will be a true impartation of the divine nature and holy character established in the spirit and soul of the Lords leadership.
Remember Gods promise, "If I can find a people without mixture, I will pour out my power without measure. Embrace purity, the identifying mark of a child of God.
The Spirit of Truth--the Holy Spirit--is calling each Christian to walk like a true Zadok priest. These priests maintained and modeled the highest standard of morality, self-control, and self-denial in Israel. Their lifestyle taught the people how to distinguish between the godly and ungodly. (See Ezekiel 44:15-23)
Many today are actually walking in deception because they do not know that they have departed from the true path of righteousness. Some are even aware of wandering, but choose to deny the fact that they have turned away from Jesus, their first love. We must face our artificial allegiance to Christ, and become authentic and unadulterated in our walk with Christ. The prophetic promise of 2 Corinthians 7:1 is about to become a living reality.
Expect No Limitations
"Is there anything too hard for the LORD?" (Genesis 18:14) The prophet Jeremiah answers this question stating, "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, thou hast made the Heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee." (Jeremiah 32:17)
Our cry should be, God, nothing is impossible with You! (Luke 1:37) If we expect more, God will release more. Lets pray for faith that moves the hand of God. (See Mark 11:21-24) Now is the time to think big because God can do anything. It is time to expect more, believe for more, and ask for more. Paul the apostle reminded us that "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think according to the power that is at work within each of us.(Ephesians 3:20-21)
Kathryn Kuhlman said, "The only limit to the power of God lies within the individual.... It is when active faith dares to believe God to the point of action that something has to happen."
Embrace Infinite Possibilities
Embracing requires reaching out, taking hold, and bringing something near. There is no such thing as a distant embrace. We cannot embrace this coming move of God at a distance. God is calling each of us to draw nearer to Him, to come aside to know His heart, to be still and know that He is the Lord. As we behold His face, He will change us into His divine image. (See 2 Corinthians 3:18) So meditate upon these promises. If we will accept no imitation and walk in unadulterated union with Christ, then we can expect no limitations. Now is the time to embrace these infinite possibilities.
How To Attain The Lord's Help
The cry of a desperate heart is clearly heard in Psalms 42. We discover several keys in this passage for attaining the much-needed help of God. Notice in verse five, I will praise Him for the help of His countenance. Then in verse 11, we see the help of our countenance.
Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries