Prophecy and Current Events

Behold, I set Thee a Watchman on the Wall" (Isaiah 62:6)

Prophetic News from Israel

David Dolan


The dizzying dance of violence amid renewed talk of peace and political intrigue continues here in the Lord’s troubled land today. A funeral is taking place in Jerusalem for 30 year-old Eli Cohen, another Israeli uprising victim shot dead last night while driving his car just northwest of Jerusalem. His Arab attackers fled for safety into the nearby Palestinian enclave of Ramallah, unsuccessfully chased by Israeli soldiers. Police forces conducted heavy security checks around the Old City today as some 300,000 Muslims gathered to mark the last Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian youths threw stones and bottles at police forces after the Muslim service ended. In Washington, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are possibly deciding the fate of the holy city today while reports from the Gaza Strip say Yasser Arafat is ill and may be dying.

Palestinian uprising leaders called for another "day of rage" today to protest the peace negotiations taking place in the USA. Various uprising leaders have come out in opposition to the talks, expressing anger over reports that the Palestinians are being asked to modify their so-called "right of return" demand in exchange for being granted sovereignty over most Arab parts of Jerusalem, including almost all of the Old City and the Temple Mount. Fatah militia leader Marwan Barghouti warned that his armed forces would not accept anything less than a complete Israeli evacuation of all land captured by Israel from Jordan and Egypt in 1967, including all of eastern Jerusalem. US President Bill Clinton has reportedly proposed that Israel hand over Arab neighborhoods to the Palestinians in exchange for refugee concessions. He is scheduled to meet with Palestinian and Israeli negotiators for a second time later today.

Israeli newspapers report today that PM Ehud Barak is offering Arafat around 95% of the disputed territories, about 6% more than at the failed Camp David summit last July. Expert’s say this would mean the dismantling of most Jewish settlements—a proposal that is already being fiercely condemned by settlement leaders and their allies. Barak would make up for the 5% difference by ceding Israeli territory to the Palestinians adjacent to the Gaza Strip and other areas. Arafat is reportedly interested in the idea, but is also aware of widespread
Arab opposition to any concessions on the emotional refugee issue. Writing in today’s newspapers, Israeli analysts say the PLO leader—said to have begun a series of medical tests on Wednesday after fainting at a funeral that day—is unlikely to agree to any controversial concessions in light of the temporary nature of Clinton’s presidency and the unstable Israeli political scene. The current round of peace talks in Washington is expected to end by tonight or early tomorrow. Clinton has reportedly given both sides a negotiating deadline of January 10 since he must attend to transition duties after that.

Israeli opposition legislators are trying to pass a bill that would forbid Barak, a caretaker leader heading a minority coalition government, from continuing the negotiations during the election campaign. They say a majority of 61 Knesset members have signed on to the bill, enough for its approval. They charge that Labor and Meretz party committee chairmen are holding up the legislation, which passed an initial hurdle in the Knesset Law Committee last week.

Meanwhile the 10 Meretz legislators have dealt a fatal blow to Shimon Peres’ hopes of running for prime minister. The dovish legislators decided last night not to back Peres as an alternative left-wing candidate to Barak. Without at least 10 Knesset members publicly supporting him, Peres cannot legally run. Many said Meretz politicians feared that a Peres candidacy would only split the "peace camp" down the middle and hand victory to right-wing Likud party leader Ariel Sharon. Opinion polls published in two Israeli papers this morning show that Peres would have a better chance of beating Sharon in a runoff race to be held on February 20 if no candidate gets at least 50% of the overall vote on February 6. One poll has Sharon beating Peres by a thin margin, but trouncing Barak by a whopping 18% (an increase of 7% from last week, possibly reflecting widespread outrage that Barak has broken his pledge to stay away from the peace table until violent Palestinian attacks cease). The other poll projects that Sharon would defeat Barak by around 11%. However many voters remain undecided.

Fresh clashes are reported today in Nablus and other areas.  Uprising violence continued overnight in several places. Shots were fired at an Israeli civilian bus near the town of Jericho. A roadside bomb was detonated near an army jeep in Samaria. No casualties were reported in either incident. Earlier, four IDF soldiers were wounded when a Palestinian drove his truck into them at a road intersection north of Jerusalem. The soldiers opened fire on the driver, wounding him in the arm. The driver attempted to flee, running toward a nearby Palestinian ambulance, but was apprehended and taken to Hadassah hospital for treatment. Two Palestinian gunmen were earlier shot dead in clashes with IDF forces at the Karni border crossing just inside the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile a senior IDF army commander told Israel radio that troops have deliberately targeted 19 Palestinian uprising militiamen who were known to have planned and/or executed armed attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians. He said the action was an attempt to halt the shooting attacks, and has indeed made an impact on reducing the number of armed assaults in recent days. Palestinian leaders have denounced the actions as "assassinations" and "acts of war."

The head of Israeli Military Intelligence, General Amos Malka, told an international conference in Herzliya on Thursday that a regional war is a growing possibility. He confirmed US intelligence reports that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein has deployed two armored divisions on his western border with Syria. He said their presence is another sign of a rapidly developing alliance between Iraq and Syria, which is already closely linked to Iran. Gen. Malka said he did not think a ground war was likely to break out with Syria and its allies, but added that there is a substantial threat that long-range missiles could be fired from one or all three countries. He said both Syria and Iran, and possibly Iraq, possess deadly chemical warheads and are working on acquiring nuclear weapons. He said Islamic Hizbullah forces in south Lebanon are continuing to threaten more attacks along the border, and warned that the probability of renewed fighting "is not low." Gen. Malka revealed that Hizbullah and radical Palestinian groups are planning to launch cross-border hang glider attacks on Israeli civilian centers, adding ominously that Hizbullah’s main backer, Iran, is "marching toward a confrontation with us by leading a guerrilla and terror war against us."

DAVID DOLAN is a Jerusalem-based author and journalist. He has written the monthly Israel News Digest for CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL since 1986. His just-released new book, ISRAEL IN CRISIS: WHAT LIES AHEAD? may be ordered in North America by phoning 888-890-6938 or by e mail at: Article Credits listed below


Editorial Comment by To His Glory Ministries:

Things are heating up for Israel. She is surrounded by radical Muslim nations dedicated to her destruction. Russia is arming and preparing these troops exactly as the Bible predicted. And the peace process -- though fraught with problems, is continuing forward. When it eventually reaches conclusion, it may produce a false sense of security for Israel and may perhaps be the time that "Russia thinks an evil thought", and leads the radical Muslim nations in their ill-fated invasion of Israel. Or, perhaps, it is in the aftermath of the invasion that peace is achieved only to later usher in destruction as Israel cries out, Peace, Peace!

What Israel's enemies will not anticipate is God's intervention in the course of human history. The result is catastrophic for the invaders, but will change life for all mankind, as well. These events include nuclear weapons and an earthquake so large that it shakes the entire earth. But most important is that, during this time in history, God once again pours out His Spirit on the House of Israel, showing His greatness and holiness, and making Himself known in the sight of many nations. "Then they will know that I am the LORD". (Eze 38:23) God will "once again, in a little while, shake the heavens and the earth, and the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts."(Haggai 2:6-7) "And the desired of the nations shall come.''

``It is now the hour to awake from sleep, for our salvation is closer than when we first accepted the faith.'' (Rom 13:11)

God's righteous judgements are always redemptive. He does not desire that anyone perish, but that all come to repentance and everlasting life.

This invasion could now take place at almost any time. To prepare for it, stay close to the Lord by purifying your heart and thoughts through the daily washing of the Word. Be careful not to forsake the Holy One of Israel. Soon the culmination of all things shall begin.

Purify yourselves daily by the reading of the Word. Jesus is returning for a Holy and Spotless Church. ``Today is the day of salvation for many who are perishing; their tomorrow shall not see my return in glory to judge the living and the dead. Today is the day of their salvation." Don't delay. Time is short. You have no guarantee that you will even see tomorrow. If you die without receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior, your eternal destiny is fixed.

As we see the signs of His return drawing close, what manner of holy life should we be living? Remember that Jesus is returning for a Holy and Spotless Bride. Whether His return is today or 10 years from now is irrelevant since eternity is only a heart beat away for any of us. So choose this day whom you will serve, ask the Holy Spirit to search you to see if there be any iniquity in you, and then call upon Jesus your Deliverer. He is faithful for forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unfaithfulness.

"Watch and pray, therefore, that you would be counted worthy to escape the judgment that is coming upon the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).


Blessings on you all as we all wait for the return of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


How to Be Saved Through Jesus

DAVID DOLAN is a Jerusalem-based author and journalist. He has written the monthly Israel News Digest for CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL since 1986. His just-released new book, ISRAEL IN CRISIS: WHAT LIES AHEAD? may be ordered in North America by phoning 888-890-6938 or by e mail at:



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