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May 6, 2018 - 6:00 PM - Apostle/Prophet Dr. Chuck Pierce will be coming to Syracuse. If you need a hotel, please book it early as there is a major bowling tournament in Syracuse at that time. Please see the list of hotels listed below. There are other hotels available that you can find through orbitz, expedia,, etc. Please do not delay booking your hotel reservation; some hotels in the area are already at capacity.
The 13-Colony Council of Leaders, Transformation Syracuse/CNY and Friend of God Ministries personally invite you to an evening with Apostle/Prophet Dr. Chuck Pierce. This event is hosted by Believer's Chapel, 7912 Thompson Road, Cicero. NY 13039. There is no cost for the event. A free-will offering will be taken to cover expenses and bless Dr. Pierce. Chuck, who was named one of America's Prayer Warriors by Charisma Magazine, serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. GSI is a world-wide apostolic and prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the Body of Christ throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries, as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms so the Body of Christ can advance.

Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Dr. Pierce has authored or co-authored 21 books to help the Body of Christ advance in this season of much adversity. Chuck and his wife Pam have six children and fourteen grandchildren.

We encourage you to come and learn from Dr. Pierce, worship with the Mark Bolos Band and be blessed by Syracuse's own Light of the World Ballet.

Dr. Maurice Sklar was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to a Russian-Jewish family with a rich musical heritage. At age four, he began playing the violin. He won numerous awards from the age of nine, and left home to study violin with Fredell Lack in Houston, Texas, when he was only thirteen. He attended Meadowmount Summer Music School, Ivan Galamian’s Strings Camp, for seven consecutive years from the age of thirteen to nineteen.

Accepted at the Juilliard School of Music in New York City at the age of fifteen, Maurice subsequently won a scholarship to attend the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music at the age of sixteen, where he studied with the great violin teacher, Ivan Galamian.

In 1984 he was accepted as a scholarship student with the renowned violin pedagogue, Dorothy DeLay. While attending the Aspen, Colorado Music Festival from 1984-1986, Miss DeLay invited Maurice to return to Juilliard and conclude his professional studies. From 1985-1989, he worked with her in preparation for a major solo career in classical music. In 1986 Maurice won the coveted Young Concert Artists International Auditions, in 1987 he debuted in the YCA Series in New York at the 92nd Street “Y” and Washington DC at the Kennedy Center. In 1990 Maurice was chosen by Musical America as one of the top ten “Young Artist of the Year”. For over 13 years, he was Artist in Residence and Professor of Violin at Oral Roberts University. From 1990 - 1991 he was Associate Concertmaster of the Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1997 he was awarded a Doctorate of Ministry.

Dr. Maurice Sklar has appeared as soloist with many orchestras and he continues to perform concerts across the country and abroad.

Maurice currently lives in Southern California with his wife, Devorah.

Dr. Maurice Sklar's lifelong musical journey began at age four. Born in New Orleans, his exceptional musical ability took him to the Curtis Institute of Music (where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree) and the renowned Juilliard School of Music. He answered the call of God to enter the ministry in May 1991. Since then he has performed and ministered throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and Israel.

In June 1997, Maurice was awarded an Doctorate of Ministry degree from Word of Truth Seminary in Huntsville, Alabama, for his pioneering work in returning classical music to the church and for his revival ministry in the Holy Spirit. In addition, he has served as Artist-in-Residence and instructor of violin and viola at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, since 1990.

Dr. Sklar has appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network's "Praise the Lord," “It’s Supernatural” with Sid Roth, “TCT”, Daystar, “CBN Asia” with Hugo Chan, "This Is Your Day with Benny Hinn," and "Richard Roberts Live!" programs. He is a frequent guest on "The 700 Club" with Pat Robertson, and recorded for the soundtrack of Kenneth Copeland's movie "Covenant Rider."

"El Shaddai," Dr. Sklar's first album as a signed artist with Integrity Music, Inc., was recorded with the National Philharmonic Orchestra of London in 1994. It stands as a tribute to his pioneering efforts to blend classical orchestral stylings with the Christian worship realm. His next album, "Songs of Zion," also recorded with London's National Philharmonic Orchestra, is dedicated to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. Maurice participated in the huge Hosanna-Integrity Music project, "Shalom Jerusalem." In this live worship concert recorded in Jerusalem, he is the primary instrumental soloist, and joins his musical gifts with fellow Messianic Jew, vocalist Paul Wilbur. Released to nearly 100 nations throughout the world in 1995, it has been the largest selling video ever produced by Integrity Music. Maurice has numerous other recordings which can be found at our eStore.

Dr. Sklar has ministered on the violin in major meetings and crusades with:

Che Ahn Jill Austin John Avanzini Jonathan Bernis Rinehard Bonnke Billye Brim Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne Ernest Chan Morris Celullo Dr David (Paul) Yonggi Cho Kenneth Copeland Billy Joe & Sharon Daugherty Dr. James Dobson Phil Driscoll Mark Dupont Ulf Ekman Joseph Garlington Marty Goetz Kenneth Hagin, Jr. Norvel Hayes Jack Hayford Rev. Loran Helm Tom Hess Gabriel Heymans Marilyn Hickey Benny Hinn David Ingles T.D. Jakes Jerry Keller Larry Lea Joyce Meyer Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo John Osteen Rod Parsley Richard Roberts Oral Roberts Dave Roberson Pat Robertson Norman Robertson Sid Roth R.W. Schambach Jonathan Settel Gwen Shaw Tim Storey Dr. Lester Sumrall Hilton Sutton A. Alex Tanuseputra Dennis Tinerino Bob & Rose Weiner Ralph Wilkerson Peter Youngren Brother Yun (The Heavenly Man) Jim Zirkle

In addition to ministering as a psalmist who ushers in the Lord's presence at major meetings, Dr. Sklar ministers powerfully in churches and synagogues. There is a rich anointing on his ministry of the Word, with awesome demonstrations of the Holy Spirit in supernatural healing and miracles, words of knowledge, and prophetic ministry. Healed from depression himself, Maurice has a special level of faith for those who are tormented in the soulish realm of the mind, will, and emotions. As a result, many people are set free from all forms of oppression, depression, and related illnesses. A spirit of revival and restoration continually manifest in his meetings, and a tangible outpouring of God's glory accompanies his music on the violin.

In 1995-1996, Maurice traveled to Uppsala, Sweden to attend Livets Ord (Word of Life) Bible School during this time.

Maurice is fulfilling his vision to establish classical music under the anointing of the Holy Spirit as worship to God, to reach into Asia, Europe and the United States with the combination of classical music and the Gospel, for the glory of God in these last days.

Maurice enjoyed the privilege of playing for the first Messianic Jewish Music Festival in Moscow, Russia, in May 1995. Led by Jonathan Bernis, more than 5,000 Russian Jews were born again in that Olympic Stadium gathering. This was perhaps the largest number of Jewish people in history to accept the Lord Jesus Christ in one place at one time since the book of Acts. Since then, Dr. Sklar has repeatedly performed with Jonathan in Riga, Latvia; Orlando Florida, for "Israel's Jubilee Celebration"; Budapest, Hungary, for Jonathan's Jewish evangelistic ministry; in Nizhny, Novgorod; and in Cordoba and Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay. Maurice will be returning to Argentina with Jonathan again this year.

God has raised up Dr. Maurice Sklar to touch, bless, and change many lives throughout the world in these last days of harvest and revival before the Messiah's return. As he travels and ministers around the world, Maurice shares his unique vision for God to restore classical music and the arts to the church for His glory. The hand of the Lord is resting mightily on this man, husband, father, prophet, teacher, psalmist to the Body of Christ, and master musician to the world!

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