In the summer of 1989 a concerned group of Christian leaders dared to believe the United States could once again be a nation "under God." The idea for a network of intercessors dedicated to strategic-level spiritual warfare emerged from the Lausanne II Congress on World Evangelization held in Manila, Philippines. Less than a year later it was birthed. Led by C. Peter Wagner, the initial phase of the International Spiritual Warfare Network took place in California on February 12, 1990. More than two dozen recognized spiritual leaders attended. Following several years of annual gatherings, the official United States Spiritual Warfare Network was launched in January 1997, under the direction of Cindy Jacobs. In 2000, C. Peter changed the name of the network from the USSWN to the United States Strategic Prayer Network and in 2008 became the United States Apostolic Alliance. Since their inaugural sessions, there have been14 Task Forces and 50 State Coordinators (plus the District of Columbia) established, along with the teams of strategic-level intercessors. Because America is a federation of states, it's believed each state must be dealt with individually for the healing of the nation. Members are spiritual leaders from across America who meet annually to strategize and hear from God for the nation of America and implement strategies in their spheres of influence. The Task Forces are teams designed to deal with the strongholds that beset ethnic groups, specific sectors of society, etc.. The structure chart lists these Task Force groups and their respective leaders. State and City Coordinators support the initiative to facilitate revival across America through promoting state-wide/city-wide unity and networking prayer leaders. Over 40 states have had local sacred assemblies to repent for the sins of their states. Intercessors have identified the sins committed in that state since its inception and repent to open the paths of reconciliation and bridge any gaps created by these sins (i.e. gender, racial, denominational, etc..) ==============================================TRANSITION===============================================
U.S. Global Apostolic Prayer Network This is a season of building for our future. Many of you have read my emails concerning this. Even though the Church is a living organism, when Peter had the revelation of who Christ was the Lord said “Upon this revelation I will build My Church.” The Hebrew word for build means to add sons and daughters to. Jesus added, “The gates of hell will not withstand it (the Church) and I will give you the keys to the Kingdom …” If the Church is built properly we have the authority to unlock His Kingdom purposes in the earth. I believe intercessors pave the way into the heavenlies to release the necessary revelation for the Church to be built and the Kingdom to be unlocked. At the beginning of this past year, the Lord spoke very clearly to me the following: "The Prayer Movement needs to be the wine for the wineskin that is forming." He revealed to me that as the Apostolic Government of the Church matured, the Prayer Movement had to stay fluid and remain new as a drink offering to their region. He showed me new people in every state that were to be involved. He showed me how many of you had been very faithful in the past season, but now, you would need to expand your connections. I have also shared on the importance of alignment and the need for key apostolic/prophetic authorities in territories to be connected with the prayer movement. As I wrote in The Future War of the Church in October 2000, "We must know who we are serving with and how to communicate in days ahead very quickly and efficiently." Those days are now here! The Prayer Movement is shifting rapidly. Over the last 15 years we have seen the Lord use His intercessors to pave the way for the maturing Apostolic Movement. Now, the Prayer Movement will be used to unlock the Apostolic Movement in a new way. This will cause the Kingdom of God to advance, demonic powers and territorial structures of the enemy to be bound, worship gatherings to change the atmosphere of entire states, and Harvest storehouses to be developed. The Shifting Meeting on January 8, 2006 After Peter gave a charge to the Prayer Movement and a teaching on wine and wineskins at our USSPN Leadership Luncheon, he began to discuss how spiritual warfare through the last decade moved the Spiritual Warfare Network into a new dimension of growth and maturity. He shared how the wineskin of the prayer movement had shifted based upon the shifting wineskin of ministries involved. We then discussed how Dutch Sheets’ and my call to apostolically mobilize a prophetic army of warriors in each state synergized this movement to its next level thanks to you and others gathering throughout our nation. This produced an apostolic governmental anointing in the prayer movement.
While we were discussing this Cindy Jacobs began to prophesy:
A New Name for Future Identity and Function We must understand the times that we are living in, and be like the Issachar Tribe - “knowing what to do in the midst of change.” We are actually living in the Hebraic Year 5766: a year of DIVINE CONNECTIONS and building for the future. This is the 5th year of a seven year war season. Brian and I will continue to communicate to the whole USGAPN on the developments that constantly bring change to the atmosphere of our nation. My main call is to serve you and see the enemy defeated and his works destroyed (I John 3:8). We are, of course, linked with Peter and Doris Wagner, who are key leaders in the Body of Christ for communicating shifting paradigms and developing strategies to unlock nations. Look forward to Peter communicating our most recent mission focus, Opening the 9/11 Window: Light, Life, and Love to the Muslim Peoples. On April 15, 2006, the email communications of the USSPN will no longer be. All communication will then initiate from USGAPN@globalharvest.org and will be identified as the U.S. Global Apostolic Prayer Network: Mobilizing and Strengthening the Harvest Net.
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